Friday 30 September 2022

September 30, 2022


- please invite parents to attend Curriculum night on Thursday October 6 at 6pm

- Personality assignment 2; sign the first one

- short cut to do LCM

- Music: the five students who have not purchased the recorders, please bring $5.50 to Kwok next week. I have paid for your instruments

7C Terry Fox donation, as promised, double your contributions

Thursday 29 September 2022

September 29, 2022

 Orange shirt day tomorrow. Wear orange please

Please invite parents to Curriculum night next Thursday October 6 at 6pm

Events related to Residental School (1831, 1876, 1907, 1920, 1951, 1958, 1982, 1996, 1986, 2009, 2008)

- plot 8 events up and determine if they are negative or positive on the native peoples

- complete the timeline with 8 events, share that drawing with

Math: Costco, Apples, Pencils and M&M questions,

Use LCM calculator

Terry Fox donation

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Carbon Monoxide poisoning

 Summer in a Bahamas 5-star resort

In Brampton: they move a propane heater inside on a cold winter night

7B September 28, 2022

 Sign math test. Extra help available on Thursday afternoon in Room 108

Prime numbers and LCM questions

Find where the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in your house/condo

September 28, 2022


- sign math test; extra help available on Thursday afternoon (till 3:45pm)

- LCM questions for Ben and Jerry, Nike and Rob/Charlotte/Kwok EQAO questions

- Terry Fox Run tomorrow afternoon. Bring running shoes

- Please invite parents to attend curriculum night with Kwok next Thursday October 6 at 6pm. They will learn about what you will be doing this year with me. Wonderful evening.

Tuesday 27 September 2022

September 27, 2022


Photo day tomorrow. Dress nicely

Terry Fox Run on Thursday

Orange Day on Friday

Curriculum night on Thursday October 6, from 6pm to 8pm. Please invite your parents to attend. I will tell them what you will learn this year. Elaborate presentation, don't miss it.

Personality worksheet

Math: multiples and factor sheet. both side (find all 25 prime numbers between 1 and 100)


Friday 23 September 2022

September 23, 2022, 7B and 7C

 7B, 7C

- complete the poem and illustration of the big head this weekend. Bring that back on Monday. Try not to fold the long legal paper

Math test Monday, 90 mins, percent, decimal, fraction, problem solving questions

- please review

- 7C typing on Monday. Bring batteries (4 AA) and the sheet

School events

Photo day, Wednesday `Sept 28, 2022. Dress nicely

Terry Fox Run, Thursday Sept 29, 2022 (afternoon, bring running shoes)

Orange day, Friday, September 30, 2022. Rewards for those who wear orange

Thursday 22 September 2022

September 22, 2022


- problem solving questions with percent. Show all steps and calculations

- type up the edit poem and send your work to

- Photo Day, September 29, 2022

- Orange shirt day: September 30, 2022 (if you wear an orange outfit that day, you will get something from Kwok to acknowledge that you understand the meaning of this special day)

Residential Schools Tile

sample symbols to consider

symbols to commarate indigenous children

You will be making tiles to commemorate the act of reconciliation.  These tiles serve to honour First Nations students who died in Residential Schools and to inspire people to learn about the Residential School system in Canada.

1. Print the name and location of a Residential School on one tile.

2. Illustrate the other tile with symbols/images/icons to demonstrate your understanding and awareness of the students who went to the Residential School.

3. Outline the tiles with a thick black line to remember children who died in Residential Schools.

4. The tiles will be used to create a commemorative exhibit for display.

Map of Residential Schools

Wednesday 21 September 2022

7C Music Google classroom

September 21, 2022


- Math: complete Q1 to 7 in math. Show all steps and calculations

- sign subtraction sheet

- poem: 2 adjectives for each of personality, favourite book/magazine, outfit, leisure activity; 3 adjectives for favourite food

- complete draft copy of poem sheet

- want an "A"? Take a look the illustration below

Tuesday 20 September 2022

7B, September 20, 2022

 Math test on Monday Sept 26. Percent, decimal, fraction and problem solving based questions.

Long test, 2 periods. Bring calculator

September 20, 2022


= subtraction sheet, at least 12 questions please. If you want to get an "A", do the front page. 

- if you want an "A+", do both side

- math test Monday

Monday 19 September 2022

7B September 19, 2022


Math addition questions

September 19, 2022

 7B, 7C

Math test next Monday September 26 (percent, decimal, fraction, problem solving based questions, 2 periods, long test). STUDY and REVIEW all your work

Addition sheet: Find the missing numbers

Use personality word list and find

- 5 words with the same meaning as NICE

- 5 words with the same meaning as MEAN

- 5 words with the same meaning as BRAVE

- 5 words with the same meaning as KIND

- 5 words with the same meaning as SHY

Friday 16 September 2022

7B Terry questions and science


- find images for the eight different mixtures discussed in class (stainless steel, chicken fried rice, juice, double double, chicken noodle soup, liquid detergent, bubble tea etc)

- find the top 4 components of air (name and %)

1) Terry decided to drive to Newfoundland to visit his uncle.  His budget for this trip is $3500 and he plans to spend the next nine weeks driving to Newfoundland.


a.  If he plans to spend 17% of his money on gas, how much will he spend on gas? (595)



b. If Terry drove for 21 days, it would cost him $180 per week on gas.  How much will he spend on gas? (540)



c. His car broke down near Ottawa.  He had to take it to a garage to repair the three tires.  It costs $25 plus 13% HST to repair each tire.  How much did the garage charge him?  (84.75)




d. If Terry gave the garage two $50 bills, how much will he get back after the repair? (15.25)



e.  For the whole trip, Terry allocated the following for all his expenses:


            1/5      Hotel                                       22%     Food


            17%     Gas                                          1/3      Gift


            the rest           Car Repair       


Calcualte how much Terry spent on each item.  Show your work (10)



September 16, 2022

Sign math quiz. Redo questions that are wrong

 Use personality sheet, find six words that describe yourself. (Type up in Google Doc or Word)

Then compose six sentences (don't start with "I") to explain why you behave that way.

e.g. As a selfish tecaher, Mr. Kwok decides to eat all the candy by himself. He refuses to share with other people. (reason)

Since Shane is such a restless student, he wanders around the school all day and does not do any work. (reason)

Thursday 15 September 2022

September 15, 2022

Personality: at least 20 adjectives that describe people behaviour


1) Terry decided to drive to Newfoundland to visit his uncle.  His budget for this trip is $3500 and he plans to spend the next nine weeks driving to Newfoundland.


a.  If he plans to spend 17% of his money on gas, how much will he spend on gas? (595)



b. If Terry drove for 21 days, it would cost him $180 per week on gas.  How much will he spend on gas? (540)



c. His car broke down near Ottawa.  He had to take it to a garage to repair the three tires.  It costs $25 plus 13% HST to repair each tire.  How much did the garage charge him?  (84.75)




d. If Terry gave the garage two $50 bills, how much will he get back after the repair? (15.25)



e.  For the whole trip, Terry allocated the following for all his expenses:


            1/5      Hotel                                       22%     Food


            17%     Gas                                          1/3      Gift


            the rest           Car Repair       


Calcualte how much Terry spent on each item.  Show your work (10)







f. Ice cream was on sale at the Supermarket.  The chocolate ice cream was 50% off and the vanilla ice cream was half price.  Which one was cheaper?  Why? 





g. By the time Terry arrived in Alberta, he had no money.  He called Kwok to send $500 to him immediately but Kwok would charge an extra 25% when he got back.  How much will Terry pay after the trip? (625)


Wednesday 14 September 2022

September 14, 2022


Ask parents to sign Cross country form if you are interested. First practice on Friday Sept 16 at 8am

online thesaurus and dictionary

= typing tomorrow, bring batteries

Math: calculate the HST of different products, and the questions below

Reading comprehension

Comprehension 3- The Andrews Family


      There are five members in the Andrews family.  They are Mr. And Mrs. Andrews, Matthew, Karen, and Kemmy.  They live on the poorer side of the city.  Their apartment consists of only two bedrooms, a small kitchen, and a bathroom

      Their son, Matthew, is sixteen years old.  He is a clever and hard-working boy.  He is the captain of the schoolís basketball team but he wants to be a doctor instead of a professional  basketball player.  He is working part-time at a fast-food restaurant in order to save up for his university fees.

      Karen and Kemmy are twins and they are thirteen years old.  They are both good-natured, intelligent, and kind-hearted.  Karen wants to be a teacher and Kemmy a nurse, when they grow up. They are always learning new things and whenever they have problems with their school work, they ask Matthew, who is always willing to teach them.

      Mr. Andrews is an electrician.  He works very hard to support the family.  He is a very humorous man who makes sure there is always laughter in the house.  He always teaches his children to be their best in every they do and to be kind to everyone.  Mrs. Andrews keeps the house spic-and-span and always has warm, delicious meals on the table for her husband and children.  She teaches the children to be independent but she will be there when they cannot solve their problems.

      Once, Karen and Kemmy found a dog outside, shivering with cold and hunger.  They brought it back home., kept it warm, and fed it with milk.  Mr. Andrews allowed the dog to stay.  Mrs. Andrew brought out a big box and spread it with clean rags.  It crawled into it, settled itself and fell asleep immediately.  The children named it Bubbles and since then, Bubbles has become part of the Andrews family.


Multiple-choice Questions

1.    Who is/are the eldest in the family?

            a) Karen    b) Matthew

            c) Kemmy    d) The twins


2.    What is Matthewís ambition?

            a) To be a dentist.

            b) To be a professional basket ball player.

            c) To be an electrician.

            d) To be a doctor.



3.    In the passage, “spic-and-span” means __________.

            a) clean and tidy b) tidy

            c) all over the place   d) clean but untidy


4.    Matthew is a good brother to the twins because __________.

            a) he works part-time to earn money

            b) he teaches them to be kind

            c) he always helps them with their schoolwork

            d) he is very humorous


5.    Who teaches them to solve their own problems and not rely too much on others?

            a) Matthew  b) Mrs. Andrews

            c) Mr. Andrews    d) Mr. and Mrs. Andrews


Free-response Questions

1.    From the passage, what does Matthew do to fulfill his dream of studying to be a doctor?



2.    What is Mrs. Andrews?  Is she good at what she does?



3.    Why, in your opinion, did Mr. Andrews allow Bubbles to stay?



4.    Are Mr. and Mrs. Andrews good parents?  Give one reason why.



5.    What do you think makes up a good family?





Tuesday 13 September 2022

September 13, 2022

 Thursday, September 29, Picture Day

Friday, September 30, Orange Day

October 4, Terry Fox Run

Math: McDonalds, School supplies and Ethan Hunt questions

Five Adjectives for each of the following:

meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Examples:

 HONEY GARLIC CHICKEN, crispy fries, fresh salad, very hot soup

shirt, pants, shoes, room, cars

Total of 40 adjectives


- science: Hindenburg

- how did it explode?

- how many people died?

how many survived the accident

- did they stop using hydrogen gas in blimp?

- what other gas is lighter than air

Monday 12 September 2022

September 1`2, 2022


Math: let's go shopping

LA: Adjective sheets, both side

- science: Hindenburg

- how did it explode?

- how many people died?

how many survived the accident

- did they stop using hydrogen gas in blimp?

- what other gas is lighter than air

Friday 9 September 2022

September 9, 2022


- Math: money questions, counting coins, smaller and larger

7B Science notes: pure substance and mixtures

Thursday 8 September 2022

September 8, 2022


- complete the decimal, fraction and fraction sheet

- complete the two nouns sheets

- bring a lock, four AA batteries and a Chromebook if possible

Wednesday 7 September 2022

September 7, 2022


- send me an email tonight:

- from now on, all your homework will be sent to the email above, and not the TDSB one

- in the email, tell me you have successfully login to the blog and see what is posted here