Thursday 22 September 2022

September 22, 2022


- problem solving questions with percent. Show all steps and calculations

- type up the edit poem and send your work to

- Photo Day, September 29, 2022

- Orange shirt day: September 30, 2022 (if you wear an orange outfit that day, you will get something from Kwok to acknowledge that you understand the meaning of this special day)

Residential Schools Tile

sample symbols to consider

symbols to commarate indigenous children

You will be making tiles to commemorate the act of reconciliation.  These tiles serve to honour First Nations students who died in Residential Schools and to inspire people to learn about the Residential School system in Canada.

1. Print the name and location of a Residential School on one tile.

2. Illustrate the other tile with symbols/images/icons to demonstrate your understanding and awareness of the students who went to the Residential School.

3. Outline the tiles with a thick black line to remember children who died in Residential Schools.

4. The tiles will be used to create a commemorative exhibit for display.

Map of Residential Schools

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