Thursday 15 September 2022

September 15, 2022

Personality: at least 20 adjectives that describe people behaviour


1) Terry decided to drive to Newfoundland to visit his uncle.  His budget for this trip is $3500 and he plans to spend the next nine weeks driving to Newfoundland.


a.  If he plans to spend 17% of his money on gas, how much will he spend on gas? (595)



b. If Terry drove for 21 days, it would cost him $180 per week on gas.  How much will he spend on gas? (540)



c. His car broke down near Ottawa.  He had to take it to a garage to repair the three tires.  It costs $25 plus 13% HST to repair each tire.  How much did the garage charge him?  (84.75)




d. If Terry gave the garage two $50 bills, how much will he get back after the repair? (15.25)



e.  For the whole trip, Terry allocated the following for all his expenses:


            1/5      Hotel                                       22%     Food


            17%     Gas                                          1/3      Gift


            the rest           Car Repair       


Calcualte how much Terry spent on each item.  Show your work (10)







f. Ice cream was on sale at the Supermarket.  The chocolate ice cream was 50% off and the vanilla ice cream was half price.  Which one was cheaper?  Why? 





g. By the time Terry arrived in Alberta, he had no money.  He called Kwok to send $500 to him immediately but Kwok would charge an extra 25% when he got back.  How much will Terry pay after the trip? (625)


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