Wednesday 14 September 2022

September 14, 2022


Ask parents to sign Cross country form if you are interested. First practice on Friday Sept 16 at 8am

online thesaurus and dictionary

= typing tomorrow, bring batteries

Math: calculate the HST of different products, and the questions below

Reading comprehension

Comprehension 3- The Andrews Family


      There are five members in the Andrews family.  They are Mr. And Mrs. Andrews, Matthew, Karen, and Kemmy.  They live on the poorer side of the city.  Their apartment consists of only two bedrooms, a small kitchen, and a bathroom

      Their son, Matthew, is sixteen years old.  He is a clever and hard-working boy.  He is the captain of the schoolís basketball team but he wants to be a doctor instead of a professional  basketball player.  He is working part-time at a fast-food restaurant in order to save up for his university fees.

      Karen and Kemmy are twins and they are thirteen years old.  They are both good-natured, intelligent, and kind-hearted.  Karen wants to be a teacher and Kemmy a nurse, when they grow up. They are always learning new things and whenever they have problems with their school work, they ask Matthew, who is always willing to teach them.

      Mr. Andrews is an electrician.  He works very hard to support the family.  He is a very humorous man who makes sure there is always laughter in the house.  He always teaches his children to be their best in every they do and to be kind to everyone.  Mrs. Andrews keeps the house spic-and-span and always has warm, delicious meals on the table for her husband and children.  She teaches the children to be independent but she will be there when they cannot solve their problems.

      Once, Karen and Kemmy found a dog outside, shivering with cold and hunger.  They brought it back home., kept it warm, and fed it with milk.  Mr. Andrews allowed the dog to stay.  Mrs. Andrew brought out a big box and spread it with clean rags.  It crawled into it, settled itself and fell asleep immediately.  The children named it Bubbles and since then, Bubbles has become part of the Andrews family.


Multiple-choice Questions

1.    Who is/are the eldest in the family?

            a) Karen    b) Matthew

            c) Kemmy    d) The twins


2.    What is Matthewís ambition?

            a) To be a dentist.

            b) To be a professional basket ball player.

            c) To be an electrician.

            d) To be a doctor.



3.    In the passage, “spic-and-span” means __________.

            a) clean and tidy b) tidy

            c) all over the place   d) clean but untidy


4.    Matthew is a good brother to the twins because __________.

            a) he works part-time to earn money

            b) he teaches them to be kind

            c) he always helps them with their schoolwork

            d) he is very humorous


5.    Who teaches them to solve their own problems and not rely too much on others?

            a) Matthew  b) Mrs. Andrews

            c) Mr. Andrews    d) Mr. and Mrs. Andrews


Free-response Questions

1.    From the passage, what does Matthew do to fulfill his dream of studying to be a doctor?



2.    What is Mrs. Andrews?  Is she good at what she does?



3.    Why, in your opinion, did Mr. Andrews allow Bubbles to stay?



4.    Are Mr. and Mrs. Andrews good parents?  Give one reason why.



5.    What do you think makes up a good family?





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