Friday 16 September 2022

7B Terry questions and science


- find images for the eight different mixtures discussed in class (stainless steel, chicken fried rice, juice, double double, chicken noodle soup, liquid detergent, bubble tea etc)

- find the top 4 components of air (name and %)

1) Terry decided to drive to Newfoundland to visit his uncle.  His budget for this trip is $3500 and he plans to spend the next nine weeks driving to Newfoundland.


a.  If he plans to spend 17% of his money on gas, how much will he spend on gas? (595)



b. If Terry drove for 21 days, it would cost him $180 per week on gas.  How much will he spend on gas? (540)



c. His car broke down near Ottawa.  He had to take it to a garage to repair the three tires.  It costs $25 plus 13% HST to repair each tire.  How much did the garage charge him?  (84.75)




d. If Terry gave the garage two $50 bills, how much will he get back after the repair? (15.25)



e.  For the whole trip, Terry allocated the following for all his expenses:


            1/5      Hotel                                       22%     Food


            17%     Gas                                          1/3      Gift


            the rest           Car Repair       


Calcualte how much Terry spent on each item.  Show your work (10)



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