Monday 28 February 2022

February 28, 2022

 Read what I am suffering from:

Fake News test 2

 Read the two articles below and complete the attached quiz. 

Advantages of smoking

Advantages of Smoking. Are There Any? (


Disadvantages of dried fruits

The Disadvantages of Dried Fruit (

Quiz (must comment on both articles to get an "A")

Friday 25 February 2022

Sangster Math unit, Feb 25, 2022

 Exchange Rates

If you plan to take a vacation outside Canada, it is necessary to exchange Canadian dollar (C$) into the local currency after your arrival in the destination. 


Use this website and find the name of the local currency, an determine how much local currency you can get from C$100

Note: the currency rate fluctuates constantly


            If the exchange number is more than 100, then C$ is worth more

If the exchange number is less than 100, then C$ is worth less



Name of currency

How much for C$100

Is this worth more or less than C$









United Kingdom




















South Korea
































South Africa














February 25, 2022

 Tessllation shape

- complete the tessellation drawing this weekend. Send me a PDF

- Transformational geometry and Fake News test on Monday. Review handouts from this unit and study

- bring sticky notes, Mira, ruler, pencils and eraser

Thursday 24 February 2022

February 24, 2022

Drama scoring sheet (please add "My Hobby" scores)


- your homework tonight during dinner is to explain to your parents, brothers and sisters, what a "PEE" essay is

- Review transformational geometry materials. Test on Monday. Bring Mira, stickey notes, ruler, eraser and pencils

- bring a mouse to school tomorrow for tessellation. Trust me, you will need that to digitalize the shape

- gather at least 20 points for the PEE essay " Should school uniforms be worn at Cummer Valley"

- complete your part in the March announcement slide

- learn a monologue. Presentation will start tomorrow

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Sangster Math class, Feb 23, 2022

 Problem-solving with fractions


Terry tried to run across Canada. His weekly budget was $750, and he planned on spending the money on the following


Gas/fuel: ¼                  Food: 1/5                    Hotel: 1/3                    Clothing: The rest



Calculate how much Terry spent on each item. Show your work.


Gas/fuel: $750 x ¼ = (750 x 1)/4 = $187.50


Food: ans, $150, (750 x 1)/3 = $150


Hotel: ans $250, (750 x 1)/3 = $250


Clothing : 162.50,  750 – 187.50 – 150 – 250 = 162.50 (easy way)

1 (whole budget) – ¼ (gas) – 1/5 (food – 1/3 (hotel) 

Common denominator for 4, 5, and 3 = 60


¼ = 15/60 (gas), 1/5 = 12/60 (food), 1/3 = 20/60 (hotel)


60/60 – 15/60 – 12/60 – 20/60  = (60-15-12-20)/60 = 13/60 (the rest)


The rest 750 x 13/60 = (750 x 13)/60 = 162.50




Mini Kwok wants to go to Disney’s World and his budget is $1500 for the week


Air tickets ¼, 375


Theme Park 2/5, (1500 x 2)/5 = 600


Food 1/8, 187.50


Hotel 1/3, 500


Gifts The rest, 

he does not have enough money! He overspent by 162.50 on tickets, theme park, food and hotel

February 23, 2022

Volleyball club on Friday after school. Please tell your parents if you are interested in staying for about an hour, from 3pm to 4pm, on Friday Feb 25

 Tessellation sheets (2), from Grade 5 Singapore workbook

You will be doing Tessellation in Google Draw tomorrow. Need to use a cell phone camera to capture an image of a shape. NEED TO BRING A MOUSE TO WORK ON GOOGLE DRAW

Work on the March announcement slide

Pick a Monologue piece and practice. We will start presentation on Friday Feb 25

Hydroponic farming

What Is Hydroponics And How Does It Work? - YouTube

Cucumber farms

Awesome Greenhouse Cucumber Farm and Harvest - Vegetable Agriculture Technology in Greenhouse - YouTube

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Sangster Fraction Unit

February 22, 2022

 Math: Grade 6 EQAO transformation geometry questions. Do all three questions and show the steps and explanation

For those who want to improve your mark for Underground to Canada essay (how did Julilly and Liza show courage and determination?), use the case inside the Mayflowers to prove your point (Chapter 18). To be sent tonight by 11:59pm

- must return Underground to Canada novel tomorrow


During that time, many slaves tried to escape to Canada to gain their freedom. Many were captured or died during their escape, and a few managed to come to Canada successfully.

Justify why it took courage and determination to fight against all odds to gain their freedom. Use two examples from Underground to Canada to prove your points.



Example 1

Escaping for freedom is something that takes a lot of courage. In the words of Mr.

Ross “It takes courage and determination and a good deal of wit.” (Chapter 9,

Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 59) It is not an

easy journey as the slaves have to walk 2200 km. Not only is it about the walk but it is

about the necessities they need such as food, water and clothes. Without food and

water, the slaves have a higher risk of chronic diseases such as high blood preasure,

heart diseases, and diabetes. They also have a chance of seizures, kidney failure,

shock, coma and can even die.

- no examples from the novel

- student’s own idea (show no comprehension)

- ideas are unclear and vague, not very specific

- 60%



Example 2

Since Julily and Liza have only been treated like animals by white people, they started

perceiving them as cold blooded demons. When escaping, they ran out of food

eventually making them try to buy food off of the people that have treated them terribly

for their whole lives. (Chapter 7, Underground to Canada, Barbara Smucker,

Penguin Group, 1977 pp.99) This was very risky trying to buy food off a white woman

because that was basically exposing their location to any slave hunters in that area.

Julily had the courage to go up to the woman and attempt to buy food. She knew that

Liza and her might have had to end their goal to live in freedom without food. She didn’t

want to give up, giving her the determination that fueled her to go up to buy some food

knowing that she might get caught. I think that that was very brave of Julily to try to buy

food to continue her journey to live in freedom.

there is a specific example from novel (tried to buy food)

- provide a reason to be determined (risk being captured by the slave hunter)

- explain in own words even it may be repetitive

- 70%



Example 3

During their journey, they heard

weird, creepy and scary voices such as high-pitched animal cries. Apart

from this, they had to travel at night because at daylight, slave hunters

could see them. (Chapter 14, Underground to Canada by Barbara

Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 95, 96). Not just the scary voices but

travelling at night can be very hard. This all shows Julilly and Liza’s

bravery about travelling without knowing what was ahead of them and

the risk of breaking their legs. Taking a very big risk is not an easy

decision to make about escaping and breaking their legs while travelling

in the dark at night. It was very brave of them to do that. This all proved

that Julilly and Liza’s determination, courage and patience earned their freedom


- there is a specific example that they walk at night (dangerous, broken trees, windy)

- walking and escaping at night, risk, but continue with their journey (determination)

- write in own words

- 75%


Example 4

Through the entire novel, the slaves went from getting hunted by bloodhounds, climbing

mountains and doing all this while starving and getting followed everywhere by slave hunters.

This shows how much courage the slaves had to get to Canada. Liza and Julily risking their

lives everyday to follow Massa Ross' escape to Canada showed their determination and how

brave they were. Even though there were hard times during their escape, they put their lives on

the line and pushed through. They were so determined they trusted other people than Ross.

This is why I think like Ross that you need wits, bravery and determination to get to Canada.

- 60%

- unclear, not specific and vague


Example 5

During a time of slavery, numerous slaves had tried to flee, but not all managed to

survive or escape. Before getting to their destination, they would have to travel all the way to

Canada, or how some people call it, the land of freedom.

Climbing high mountain paths are scary, yes, but even more when it’s night and the surroundings are covered with darkness. It was a wild place that was terrifying and strange for both girls, Liza and Julilly ( Chapter 14, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 110 ).

While on their journey, a nervous wind began to blow, swaying trees with the air beginning to

chill. The strong winds made Julilly and Liza hang on to the standing trees surrounding them,

while the wind was lashing their dry and withered skin like old Sims. Though both girls were

terror-struck, they had been able to build a small shelter, with their parched hands bleeding and bruised, they dug and scavenged for fallen tree branches all while the heavy storm was



To sum up, this example shows that with their courage and determination, they had been able to

overcome the storm and get their freedom later in the story.




Your task: Use the example in Chapter 18, and rewrite an essay, with specific examples, to show that the girls have courage and determination

Thursday 17 February 2022

Land Acknowledgement

 From the TDSB

“We acknowledge we are hosted on the lands of the Mississaugas of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Wendat. We also recognize the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and the Inuit peoples”

"Nous reconnaissons que nous sommes accueillis sur les terres des Mississaugas des Anichinabés, de la Confédération Haudenosaunee et du Wendat. Nous voulons également reconnaître la pérennité de la présence des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuit."

February 17, 2022

 Tomorrow is a PD day. Kwok has to do interviews. No class

Monday is Family Day. Spend valuable time with your family. No school on Monday.


- complete the two examples of Underground to Canada essay. (please submit by Friday night)

- Transformational geometry: two sheets. The second page is difficult

- work with a partner on the March announcement Slides

- National food day

- Pick one monologue and learn it. Presentation will start next week

Examples for Underground essay

During that time, many slaves tried to escape to Canada to gain their freedom. Many were captured or died during their escape, and a few managed to come to Canada successfully.

Justify why it took courage and determination to fight against all odds to gain their freedom. Use two examples from Underground to Canada to prove your points.


In the wise words of Alexander Ross, “It takes a lot of courage and determination and a good deal of wit. . . to escape to Canada.” (Chapter 9, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 59)



(Your words and opinion) The distance between the Deep South and Canada is about 2200km, and it takes a long time to travel between both places. It would be much harder to walk through the night across the mountain to stay safe from the slave hunters. (example, write in your own words) During their escape, the bloodhounds sniffed the scent of the slaves and both Lester and Adam were captured. Julilly and Liza were terrified when they heard the cry from the boys and they packed up all the bundles immediately and went north through the bushes. (Chapter 12, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 79)(concluding statement)Even though they were scared and exhausted, both Julilly and Liza were determined to go to Canada and get their freedom no matter how difficult the journey was. This proved their courage and determination earned their freedom in the story.

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Sangster FL, February 16, 2022

 February 16, 2022

- inflation is high, things get more expensive

- wages (how much people earn) do not go up as fast as inflation

- many will have to do more than one job or buy less


- as a 12 year old: start saving early

- you can turn money into wealth (Dan/Monica story)

- in grade 8, you will learn more about the stock markets and investing

- if you can only buy ONE stock in your life, buy a Canadian bank stock

- don’t overspend; spend half, save/invest half


- I bought shares in Scotia Bank in 1990 with $2300, this is now worth about $250,000

February 16, 2022

 Monologues (pick one from this list and practice. Focus on the pace, expression, tone and eye contact). Presentation will start next week, after the Family Day long weekend

Science Quiz

Report card appointment:

Spirit Day tomorrow: PJ day. Be creative.

Start working on the Underground to Canada essay#2. Need TWO examples. 

Please send that to me by Friday, February 18, 2022

During that time, many slaves tried to escape to Canada to gain their freedom. Many were captured or died during their escape, and a few managed to come to Canada successfully.

Justify why it took courage and determination to fight against all odds to gain their freedom. Use two examples from Underground to Canada to prove your points.

- must include a reference in your example to justify your point

, e.g. (Chapter 12, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 79)


(Your words and opinion) The distance between the Deep South and Canada is about 2200km, and it takes a long time to travel between both places. It would be much harder to walk through the night across the mountain to stay safe from the slave hunters. (example, write in your own words) During their escape, the bloodhounds sniffed the scent of the slaves and both Lester and Adam were captured. Julilly and Liza were terrified when they heard the cry from the boys and they packed up all the bundles immediately and went north through the bushes. (Chapter 12, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 79)(concluding statement)Even though they were scared and exhausted, both Julilly and Liza were determined to go to Canada and get their freedom no matter how difficult the journey was. This proved their courage and determination earned their freedom in the story.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Monday 14 February 2022

Sangster FL class, test 2

 Test, one attempt

February 14, 2022

 Sign Math quiz (reflection and rotation). Out of 18

Tomorrow is

- Tuesday: Inside out/ Upside down, inside out day. Flip your shirts inside out and wear them to school


- complete the first essay on cruelity of slavery. Be sure to inlcue two examples (with justifications) and a conclusion at the end of the essay

- submit work to

This is how it should be done

Example# 1
(Your words and opinion) In the past 200 years, when slavery was legal in the United States, black slaves were treated like animals, when they were bought and sold. (example, write in your own words) Early in the story, a young slave mother Lily Brown’s 2-year-old son was snatched from her since Sims thought he was going to grow quickly to work in the cotton field. (Chapter 2, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 11)(Explanation, your own words) No child should be removed from the parents especially when Willie was only 2 years old. Sims simply did not care about others’ feelings and he did the unthinkable by ripping the baby from his mother. (concluding statement) This proved that slavery was inhumane and cruel to the black slaves during that time. 

(1) Start with your opinion with your own words

(2) Provide an example from the novel, with the exact reference. Please write in your own words

(3) Explain the example why slavery was a cruel act (your own words)

(4) Write a concluding statement

Example#2:  check chapter 7 when Julilly was whipped by Sims

Example#3: on your own

Concluding statement: 

Underground to Canada Essay 1

 Essay 1

Slavery is a very cruel act, and should never be allowed anywhere in the world.

Justify this statement by using three examples from the novel, Underground to Canada.


In the wise words of Levin Coffin, “At all times, I obey the commands of the Bible and the dictates of humanity in feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and aiding the oppressed. And the good book mentions no distinction of colour in the doing of these deeds.” (Chapter 16, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 124). At that time, many people, such as the Abolitionists and the Mennonites, helped the slaves to escape to Canada because they knew slavery was unjust and cruel.


In the past 200 years, when slavery was legal in the United States, black slaves were treated like animals, when they were bought and sold. Early in the story, a young slave mother Lily Brown’s 2-year-old son was snatched from her since Sims thought he was going to grow quickly to work in the cotton field. (Chapter 2, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 11). No child should be removed from the parents especially when Willie was only 2 years old. Sims simply did not care about other’s feeling and he did the unthinkable by ripping the baby from his mother. This proved that slavery was inhumane and cruel to the black slaves during that time.

- check chapter 7 when Julilly was whipped by Sims



Essay 2
During that time, many slaves tried to escape to Canada to gain their freedom. Many were captured or died during their escape, and a few managed to come to Canada successfully.

Justify why it took courage and determination to fight against all odds to gain their freedom. Use three examples from Underground to Canada to prove your points.


In the wise words of Alexander Ross, “It takes a lot of courage and determination and a good deal of wit. . . to escape to Canada.” (Chapter 9, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 59)


Friday 11 February 2022

Sangster FL class, FEBRUARY 11, 2022

 I have no Wifi here, and cant teach you.

 Just study for your test on Monday and get ready.

February 11, 2022

 Math quiz: reflection and rotation on Monday

- slide sheet: 12 pre-made questions and 12 of your own (vertical and horizontal slides ONLY. No diagonal movements)

= Spirit Day on Monday - Valentines Day - wear red, pink or heart shape designs

- finish reading the entire boom of Underground, complete all the questions. You will need them next week to learn how to write essays

- until further notice, there is no more Sangster's Ph Ed class 

Flip pictures,,,

Thursday 10 February 2022

February 10, 2022

 Free Rapid Test in drug stores and supermarkets

Spirit Week (if you participate in all four events, you will receive a great reward from Kwok)

- Monday: Valentines Day (red, white, pink, heart)

- Tuesday: Inside out/ Upside down, inside out day

- Wednesday: Sports Day

- Thursday : PJ Day

Math: work on the 1 rotation questions from your peer. Please use sticky notes to complete

Google the following for medals price money will they get?

How much will the Olympians get?




Wednesday 9 February 2022

Sangster FL class Feb 9

 Mustang data

February 9, 2022

 Rotation homework sheet, 24 questions, both sides. Please use sticky notes to help you

Five students will present my favourite hobby tomorrow

- when we finish reading Underground, I will teach you how to write essays about slavery and freedom. You will need the novel to justify your view with some examples from the chapters. Please do all the questions and have them ready for the essay

Chapter 17


- in the beginning of chapter, it is raining and the rain patters against the carriage top

- despite the rain, the girls are not cold. Why is that? _________________________

- why is the rain is a welcome curtain of protection? _____________________


- what is the password again? _____________________


- “Two packages of dry goods” refer to _____________________

- where did the wagon driver take the girls? _____________________. He places them near a dark corner 

- as the girls are stored inside the freight car, Julilly’s heart pounds loudly. Why is that? __________________________________________

- where is the next stop for the girls? _____________________


- during the trip, Julilly feels dizzy and Liza groans. Explain why that is the case



- after they arrive at the destination, Julilly hears a familiar voice, who will take them to the Mayflower. Who is the familiar voice. What is the Mayflower?


- what is the first thing Julilly asks for when she meets the Canadian? _____________________


- Injustice is the weapon of evil men but there are always brave and noble souls who proceed on the course of right and are impervious to the consequences.” Explain this sentence and find the meaning of the underlined word 


- what is the second question that Julilly ask Massa Ross?


- where is Lester and Adam?



- Julilly wants to ask about Mama Sally but she chooses not to. Why is that?


- Which lake will the Mayflower cross? Where will the Mayflower take them? 


- why is it good for them when it is grey and cloudy during their trip? Julilly and Liza pretend they are Massa Ross’ _____________


- Mayflower leaves the US shore at around what time? Morning/afternoon/evening (pick one)


- The captain refers Julilly and Liza as lassies and laddies. What are lassies and laddies