Monday 14 February 2022

February 14, 2022

 Sign Math quiz (reflection and rotation). Out of 18

Tomorrow is

- Tuesday: Inside out/ Upside down, inside out day. Flip your shirts inside out and wear them to school


- complete the first essay on cruelity of slavery. Be sure to inlcue two examples (with justifications) and a conclusion at the end of the essay

- submit work to

This is how it should be done

Example# 1
(Your words and opinion) In the past 200 years, when slavery was legal in the United States, black slaves were treated like animals, when they were bought and sold. (example, write in your own words) Early in the story, a young slave mother Lily Brown’s 2-year-old son was snatched from her since Sims thought he was going to grow quickly to work in the cotton field. (Chapter 2, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 11)(Explanation, your own words) No child should be removed from the parents especially when Willie was only 2 years old. Sims simply did not care about others’ feelings and he did the unthinkable by ripping the baby from his mother. (concluding statement) This proved that slavery was inhumane and cruel to the black slaves during that time. 

(1) Start with your opinion with your own words

(2) Provide an example from the novel, with the exact reference. Please write in your own words

(3) Explain the example why slavery was a cruel act (your own words)

(4) Write a concluding statement

Example#2:  check chapter 7 when Julilly was whipped by Sims

Example#3: on your own

Concluding statement: 

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