Wednesday 16 February 2022

February 16, 2022

 Monologues (pick one from this list and practice. Focus on the pace, expression, tone and eye contact). Presentation will start next week, after the Family Day long weekend

Science Quiz

Report card appointment:

Spirit Day tomorrow: PJ day. Be creative.

Start working on the Underground to Canada essay#2. Need TWO examples. 

Please send that to me by Friday, February 18, 2022

During that time, many slaves tried to escape to Canada to gain their freedom. Many were captured or died during their escape, and a few managed to come to Canada successfully.

Justify why it took courage and determination to fight against all odds to gain their freedom. Use two examples from Underground to Canada to prove your points.

- must include a reference in your example to justify your point

, e.g. (Chapter 12, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 79)


(Your words and opinion) The distance between the Deep South and Canada is about 2200km, and it takes a long time to travel between both places. It would be much harder to walk through the night across the mountain to stay safe from the slave hunters. (example, write in your own words) During their escape, the bloodhounds sniffed the scent of the slaves and both Lester and Adam were captured. Julilly and Liza were terrified when they heard the cry from the boys and they packed up all the bundles immediately and went north through the bushes. (Chapter 12, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 79)(concluding statement)Even though they were scared and exhausted, both Julilly and Liza were determined to go to Canada and get their freedom no matter how difficult the journey was. This proved their courage and determination earned their freedom in the story.

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