Wednesday 23 February 2022

Sangster Math class, Feb 23, 2022

 Problem-solving with fractions


Terry tried to run across Canada. His weekly budget was $750, and he planned on spending the money on the following


Gas/fuel: ¼                  Food: 1/5                    Hotel: 1/3                    Clothing: The rest



Calculate how much Terry spent on each item. Show your work.


Gas/fuel: $750 x ¼ = (750 x 1)/4 = $187.50


Food: ans, $150, (750 x 1)/3 = $150


Hotel: ans $250, (750 x 1)/3 = $250


Clothing : 162.50,  750 – 187.50 – 150 – 250 = 162.50 (easy way)

1 (whole budget) – ¼ (gas) – 1/5 (food – 1/3 (hotel) 

Common denominator for 4, 5, and 3 = 60


¼ = 15/60 (gas), 1/5 = 12/60 (food), 1/3 = 20/60 (hotel)


60/60 – 15/60 – 12/60 – 20/60  = (60-15-12-20)/60 = 13/60 (the rest)


The rest 750 x 13/60 = (750 x 13)/60 = 162.50




Mini Kwok wants to go to Disney’s World and his budget is $1500 for the week


Air tickets ¼, 375


Theme Park 2/5, (1500 x 2)/5 = 600


Food 1/8, 187.50


Hotel 1/3, 500


Gifts The rest, 

he does not have enough money! He overspent by 162.50 on tickets, theme park, food and hotel

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