Tuesday 22 February 2022

February 22, 2022

 Math: Grade 6 EQAO transformation geometry questions. Do all three questions and show the steps and explanation

For those who want to improve your mark for Underground to Canada essay (how did Julilly and Liza show courage and determination?), use the case inside the Mayflowers to prove your point (Chapter 18). To be sent tonight by 11:59pm

- must return Underground to Canada novel tomorrow


During that time, many slaves tried to escape to Canada to gain their freedom. Many were captured or died during their escape, and a few managed to come to Canada successfully.

Justify why it took courage and determination to fight against all odds to gain their freedom. Use two examples from Underground to Canada to prove your points.



Example 1

Escaping for freedom is something that takes a lot of courage. In the words of Mr.

Ross “It takes courage and determination and a good deal of wit.” (Chapter 9,

Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 59) It is not an

easy journey as the slaves have to walk 2200 km. Not only is it about the walk but it is

about the necessities they need such as food, water and clothes. Without food and

water, the slaves have a higher risk of chronic diseases such as high blood preasure,

heart diseases, and diabetes. They also have a chance of seizures, kidney failure,

shock, coma and can even die.

- no examples from the novel

- student’s own idea (show no comprehension)

- ideas are unclear and vague, not very specific

- 60%



Example 2

Since Julily and Liza have only been treated like animals by white people, they started

perceiving them as cold blooded demons. When escaping, they ran out of food

eventually making them try to buy food off of the people that have treated them terribly

for their whole lives. (Chapter 7, Underground to Canada, Barbara Smucker,

Penguin Group, 1977 pp.99) This was very risky trying to buy food off a white woman

because that was basically exposing their location to any slave hunters in that area.

Julily had the courage to go up to the woman and attempt to buy food. She knew that

Liza and her might have had to end their goal to live in freedom without food. She didn’t

want to give up, giving her the determination that fueled her to go up to buy some food

knowing that she might get caught. I think that that was very brave of Julily to try to buy

food to continue her journey to live in freedom.

there is a specific example from novel (tried to buy food)

- provide a reason to be determined (risk being captured by the slave hunter)

- explain in own words even it may be repetitive

- 70%



Example 3

During their journey, they heard

weird, creepy and scary voices such as high-pitched animal cries. Apart

from this, they had to travel at night because at daylight, slave hunters

could see them. (Chapter 14, Underground to Canada by Barbara

Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 95, 96). Not just the scary voices but

travelling at night can be very hard. This all shows Julilly and Liza’s

bravery about travelling without knowing what was ahead of them and

the risk of breaking their legs. Taking a very big risk is not an easy

decision to make about escaping and breaking their legs while travelling

in the dark at night. It was very brave of them to do that. This all proved

that Julilly and Liza’s determination, courage and patience earned their freedom


- there is a specific example that they walk at night (dangerous, broken trees, windy)

- walking and escaping at night, risk, but continue with their journey (determination)

- write in own words

- 75%


Example 4

Through the entire novel, the slaves went from getting hunted by bloodhounds, climbing

mountains and doing all this while starving and getting followed everywhere by slave hunters.

This shows how much courage the slaves had to get to Canada. Liza and Julily risking their

lives everyday to follow Massa Ross' escape to Canada showed their determination and how

brave they were. Even though there were hard times during their escape, they put their lives on

the line and pushed through. They were so determined they trusted other people than Ross.

This is why I think like Ross that you need wits, bravery and determination to get to Canada.

- 60%

- unclear, not specific and vague


Example 5

During a time of slavery, numerous slaves had tried to flee, but not all managed to

survive or escape. Before getting to their destination, they would have to travel all the way to

Canada, or how some people call it, the land of freedom.

Climbing high mountain paths are scary, yes, but even more when it’s night and the surroundings are covered with darkness. It was a wild place that was terrifying and strange for both girls, Liza and Julilly ( Chapter 14, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker, Penguin Group, 1977, pp. 110 ).

While on their journey, a nervous wind began to blow, swaying trees with the air beginning to

chill. The strong winds made Julilly and Liza hang on to the standing trees surrounding them,

while the wind was lashing their dry and withered skin like old Sims. Though both girls were

terror-struck, they had been able to build a small shelter, with their parched hands bleeding and bruised, they dug and scavenged for fallen tree branches all while the heavy storm was



To sum up, this example shows that with their courage and determination, they had been able to

overcome the storm and get their freedom later in the story.




Your task: Use the example in Chapter 18, and rewrite an essay, with specific examples, to show that the girls have courage and determination

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