Thursday 30 September 2021

September 30, 2021

Study for math test tonight. Multiples, Factors, LCM, GCF. Redo some of the questions from the last two weeks

 I wear my orange shirt today? Have you?

Another orange shirt today! I have my Van Gogh behind me


Wednesday 29 September 2021

Science notes - mixtures

 September 29, 2021


Mixtures – different pure substance mixed together


e.g. coffee – water, milk, cream, sugar, flavor from coffee beans (even we don’t see each component, coffee is a mixture)

Bubble tea – mixture, water, tapioca pearls, sugar, milk, cream 

(solid-liquid mixture)


Pizza · Free Stock PhotoCoca-Cola or Pepsi – water, Coke Syrup, sugar, carbon dioxide (liquid-gas mixture)


Solid-solid mixtures – 2 examples

 pizza, granola bar









- most of the things we use/eat in the real world are mixtures


- metal spoons or forks – stainless steel (don’t rust easily). Stainless steel – iron, nickel, zinc, chrome

- next lesson: milk and milk products – liquid-liquid mixture

September 29, 2021


- remember to wear orange shirt tomorrow for Day of Truth and Reconciliation

- Read the following stories about orange shirts

- you may want to work on your media project

- no trouble with Mr Gonos please

- No talking during fire drill tomorrow: close windows and door, quiet, line up properly, exit to soccer field

Prime factor these numbers: Use factor trees if possible

72, 108, 135, 100, 504, 324, 820, 1092

if you are really good, try these

154, 176, 2310, 2550, 70980

- if you want, ask parents to get a calculator that will do prime factoring. Mini Kwok has this one

Casio fx300ES Plus from Costco. $10 or $20 from (I will teach you how to use it)

Tuesday 28 September 2021

7B Healthy eating

 2020 Grade Seven Health

Healthy Eating


Canada Food Guide, four food groups

1.     Fruit and vegetables

2.     Protein (meat, beans, nuts)

3.     Carbohydrates (rice, noodles, bread, pasta)

4.     Milk/products (milk, cheese, ice cream)

5.     Junk food (taste good, no real nutritious value)


We need to eat a balanced diet everyday. This is important for teenagers

- puberty (girls: age 11 to 18; boys: age 12 to 19)


Why a balanced diet?

- Protein: build muscle, to make you stronger, endurance

- Carbohydrates: give us energy so we can work efficiently during the day

(too much carbohydrates: the side effects are the 

a.     person will become fat/over weight. Carbohydrates turn into fat under the skin if we don’t do enough exercise

b.     later on, they may develop diabetes (In Chinese = sweet pee disease)

c.     carbohydrates turn into sugar after it is absorbed by the body

- Milk/products: bone building, you will get taller and stronger in the next 8 years

d. Milk is a good source of calcium. Chocolate milk has a lot of sugar (as much sugar as a glass of orange juice)

e. ice cream is great on a hot day, really fattening (tasty ice cream 40% milk fat). Should not eat that everyday. Try yogurt instead

- Fruits and vegetables: plant cells – contain cell wall (animal cells do not have cell wall). 

Cell wall – source of fibre. Fibre helps the digested food to move from your stomach to intestines out of your body (help you POO everyday)

            f. contains a lot of vitamins and minerals – help you to stay healthy (harder to get sick)

Carbohydrate ------ sugar inside your body

- too much carbohydrate = too much sugar = diabetes (Chinese translation sweet pee disease)

- diabetes: affect the small blood vessels in your body (tips of your toes, back of your eyes) – small blood vessels will crack – they lose their toes, and may become blind



Two types of carbohydrates

1)         Refined carbohydrates: white bread, regular pasta, rice, noodles, potatoes

- taste better

- remove most of the cell wall/fibre from the grains

- after eating a piece of white bread, the carbohydrate almost instantly turns into sugar (then absorbed by the body)

- not healthy, gain weight easily


2)         “Raw” carbohydrates: whole wheat/grain bread/pasta, brown rice, whole wheat dough

- the cell wall or fibre is not removed from the grains

- does not taste as good as the refined carbohydrates

- the raw carbohydrates take longer to digest. Less sugar per serving of pasta or rice

- it will take longer for the whole wheat/grain pasta to convert into sugar, then absorb by the body

- in some restaurants like Harveys or Subway Chipotle  offer whole wheat buns or brown rice


Something to consider and start eating healthily

- use whole wheat bread to make a sandwich, add lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber

- eat a salad before your pasta/rice/noodle


Next lesson: how to slow down the amount of sugar being absorbed by the body even when we eat regular pasts or white rice/bread?


Type 1 and Type 2


September 28, 2021


- find relevant images or pictures for your media project (favourite books, music, personality, food, hobbies)

- math: complete the GCF questions on the back of your math sheet

- start writing a script for your media presentation (due on Monday, October 4). You have to present the media project in front of your class 

- typing tomorrow. Bring batteries

- Photo day, Tuesday, October 12 (after Thanksgiving)

- French homework: finish subject paragraph

- Read Chapter 5 of Run

Monday 27 September 2021

Science notes 2

 Pure substance and periodic table

September 27, 2021

Pure substance and mixtures



Solid   ------ Liqid (must add energy so the particles vibrate/translate/rotate faster

Liquid ------ Gas (energy must be added)


When there is only one thing present in a matter = pure substance

Examples of pure substance: water, gold, copper, nickel, 


On Earth, there are about 250 pure elements, listed in the periodic table

All pure substances in periodic table: Some are solids (gold, silver, copper) and some are gases (hydrogen, oxygen, helium). One liquid pre substance (mercury)

- periodic tables, elements

- structure of atoms, protons, neutrons and electrons

September 27, 2021


- bring a mouse for the laptop.  You will be working on a media assignment this week, and a mouse will be really handy (doesn't have to be wireless, it can be a wired mouse with a tail)

- Toonie for Terry: try to support Terry Fox Run of you can. Bring $2 to find a cure for cancer. Kwok will match your donation

- Math: find the factors for the numbers listed in the handout

- Math test on Friday (multiples, factors, LCM, GCF, prime)

-, climate change comprehension due tonight at 11:59pm

- wear something orange on Thursday for Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Mr. Gonos will keep track

- French assignment, Venn diagram. Due tomorrow

Friday 24 September 2021

September 24, 2021


- Toonie for Terry - cancer research. Please bring $2 for Monday for the Terry Fox fund raising event on behalf of 7B

- French homework

- read chapter 2 of RUN

- Complete math homework on Nike, ice cream and EQAO questions

- Poem good copy will be handed in on Monday

- particle theory notes

Thursday 23 September 2021

Sept 23 - go to school please

LCM calculator

Math: finish the four LCM questions on Costco, Fruits, Pencils and Candy

See if you can do this question on your own:

Old MacDonald has a farm, and he has many birds to sell



Number of birds per cage

Cost per cage












Mary Brown wants to buy the same number of birds


a) Calculate how many cages for each bird Mary Brown has to buy. [find the LCM]


b) What is the total cost for buying all these birds?

Spend at least 30 mins drawing the good copy of your personality head in the poem. Look at the examples from the earlier blog (Sept 20)  for A+ examples. Due Monday Sept 27

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Health notes 1

 2020 Grade Seven Health

Healthy Eating


Canada Food Guide, four food groups

1.     Fruit and vegetables

2.     Protein (meat, beans, nuts)

3.     Carbohydrates (rice, noodles, bread, pasta)

4.     Milk/products (milk, cheese, ice cream)

5.     Junk food (taste good, no real nutritious value)


We need to eat a balanced diet everyday. This is important for teenagers

- puberty (girls: age 11 to 18; boys: age 12 to 19)


Why a balanced diet?

- Protein: build muscle, to make you stronger, endurance

- Carbohydrates: give us energy so we can work efficiently during the day

(too much carbohydrates: the side effects are the 

a.     person will become fat/over weight. Carbohydrates turn into fat under the skin if we don’t do enough exercise

b.     later on, they may develop diabetes (In Chinese = sweet pee disease)

c.     carbohydrates turn into sugar after it is absorbed by the body

- Milk/products: bone building, you will get taller and stronger in the next 8 years

d. Milk is a good source of calcium. Chocolate milk has a lot of sugar (as much sugar as a glass of orange juice)

e. ice cream is great on a hot day, really fattening (tasty ice cream 40% milk fat). Should not eat that everyday. Try yogurt instead

- Fruits and vegetables: plant cells – contain cell wall (animal cells do not have cell wall). 

Cell wall – source of fibre. Fibre helps the digested food to move from your stomach to intestines out of your body (help you POO everyday)

            f. contains a lot of vitamins and minerals – help you to stay healthy (harder to get sick)

Canada's food guide | Canadian Pork Council


Wed Sept 22, 2021


Water main across the street broke last night. I think you will be staying home and attending virtually with me. Here is the link

- complete the ideal meal pie chart with background colour, some images of protein (25%), carbohydrates (25%), and fruits/veg (50%). Drinks and dessert should be outside the circle


Class code E4BRMC


- ReadWorks, third passage " Is the world getting warmer?" Due Friday September 24

Google Classroom for music


Venessa Hugh

Tue, Sep 21, 7:15 PM (11 hours ago)

Tuesday 21 September 2021

September 21, 2021


- heavy rain tomorrow. Bring a raincoat or umbrella or a hat. You must wear indoor shoes in my room

- most likely, there will be an indoor lunch tomorrow. Bring something to do after finish eating (cards, board game, a book to read. No electronics please)

- music assignment is due on Thursday. Get it done please

- bring 4 AA batteries for typing every Wednesday

- try to do five questions of the LCM with three numbers, with the ladder method

- you can also try to list the multiples of these numbers and find the LCM

e.g. Find the LCM of 12, 18, 28

12: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108. . .252

18: 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, 180. . . 252

28: 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168. . . 252

or use this website to check your answer

- type up the good copy of the poem. Make sure you use capital letters for names

- send that to so I can print that for you or you can print that from home

- from the personality list, find a few words that have the same meaning as

a. nice (5)        b. mean (5)       c. brave (5)        d. bashful (5)

Monday 20 September 2021

September 20, 2021

 Your vote


- test tomorrow. Spend at least 30 mins reviewing your work

- what's money in French?


  1. First, I trace my dominant hand on a piece of paper

  2. Second, I have to find/ work with a partner for this experiment

  3. Third, I receive two toothpicks from Mr. Kwok

  4. Then, my partner start poking the hand with 1 or 2 toothpicks

  5. An “O” is recorded when the answer is correct, and an “X” when the answer is wrong

  6. This has to be repeated 75 times

  7. A curve line is drawn to separate the fingers from the palm

  8. Convert the “O” and “X” into percent

  9. The part of the hand is more sensitive if the number is bigger


- finish the draft of your poem (adjectives to describe you, favourite movies, shows, food), work on the draft picture (don't colour it yet)  to show your personality and favourite food/hobbies. See examples below

- math test corrections. Please ask parents to sign test

Friday 17 September 2021

September 17, 2021

 Music assignment link

Science experiment: you job this weekend is to repeat the same experiment to either your siblings (older than 8) or a parent. Trace their dominate hand, use one or two toothpicks, should have 75 attempts and record the results

French test on Tuesday (Sept 17), vocabulary (match French vocabulary with English words)

Photo Day - Tuesday Sept 21. Dress nicely

- Use five of the following personality words to describe yourself. Write five sentences to explain why

- also tell me your favourite food, hobbies, outfits and things to do at leisure (for next week assignments)

e.g. Mr. Kwok is very loud and rude since he yells at the noisy students outside the classroom (underlined = explanation_

The brilliant and intelligent Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity 500 years ago

French Google Classroom Code
French Google Classroom Code

Hand experiment percent conversion

Thursday 16 September 2021

September 16, 2021


- Math test tomorrow. Review work from the first day

- problem solving sheet, question 8 to 15. Show all steps and calculations

- Tonnie for Terry. Bring money next week

- music assignment due next Thursday Sept 23. Please finish it by then

- If you took batteries from Kwok for typing, please bring $1 tomorrow

- 20 Personality adjectives: Think of people you know and try to describe them

(e.g. Kwok is strange, loud, rude, peculiar and obnoxious)

Ms Chapell is kind, caring, affectionate and polite

Science Experiment

1)    Purpose: Why are we doing this experiment?

Which part of my hand is more sensitive? Palm or fingers


2)    Hypothesis: Educational guess, prediction before experiment

Palm 10, Fingers 12


3)    Equipment: materials that are needed for the experiment


4)    Procedures: step by step description of how the experiment is conducted


5)    Observation – data chart














6)    Controlled variables: factors that stay the same


7)    Measured variables: factor we try to determine


8)    Conclusion: is the palm or fingers more sensitive