Tuesday 28 September 2021

7B Healthy eating

 2020 Grade Seven Health

Healthy Eating


Canada Food Guide, four food groups

1.     Fruit and vegetables

2.     Protein (meat, beans, nuts)

3.     Carbohydrates (rice, noodles, bread, pasta)

4.     Milk/products (milk, cheese, ice cream)

5.     Junk food (taste good, no real nutritious value)


We need to eat a balanced diet everyday. This is important for teenagers

- puberty (girls: age 11 to 18; boys: age 12 to 19)


Why a balanced diet?

- Protein: build muscle, to make you stronger, endurance

- Carbohydrates: give us energy so we can work efficiently during the day

(too much carbohydrates: the side effects are the 

a.     person will become fat/over weight. Carbohydrates turn into fat under the skin if we don’t do enough exercise

b.     later on, they may develop diabetes (In Chinese = sweet pee disease)

c.     carbohydrates turn into sugar after it is absorbed by the body

- Milk/products: bone building, you will get taller and stronger in the next 8 years

d. Milk is a good source of calcium. Chocolate milk has a lot of sugar (as much sugar as a glass of orange juice)

e. ice cream is great on a hot day, really fattening (tasty ice cream 40% milk fat). Should not eat that everyday. Try yogurt instead

- Fruits and vegetables: plant cells – contain cell wall (animal cells do not have cell wall). 

Cell wall – source of fibre. Fibre helps the digested food to move from your stomach to intestines out of your body (help you POO everyday)

            f. contains a lot of vitamins and minerals – help you to stay healthy (harder to get sick)

Carbohydrate ------ sugar inside your body

- too much carbohydrate = too much sugar = diabetes (Chinese translation sweet pee disease)

- diabetes: affect the small blood vessels in your body (tips of your toes, back of your eyes) – small blood vessels will crack – they lose their toes, and may become blind



Two types of carbohydrates

1)         Refined carbohydrates: white bread, regular pasta, rice, noodles, potatoes

- taste better

- remove most of the cell wall/fibre from the grains

- after eating a piece of white bread, the carbohydrate almost instantly turns into sugar (then absorbed by the body)

- not healthy, gain weight easily


2)         “Raw” carbohydrates: whole wheat/grain bread/pasta, brown rice, whole wheat dough

- the cell wall or fibre is not removed from the grains

- does not taste as good as the refined carbohydrates

- the raw carbohydrates take longer to digest. Less sugar per serving of pasta or rice

- it will take longer for the whole wheat/grain pasta to convert into sugar, then absorb by the body

- in some restaurants like Harveys or Subway Chipotle  offer whole wheat buns or brown rice


Something to consider and start eating healthily

- use whole wheat bread to make a sandwich, add lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber

- eat a salad before your pasta/rice/noodle


Next lesson: how to slow down the amount of sugar being absorbed by the body even when we eat regular pasts or white rice/bread?


Type 1 and Type 2


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