Wednesday 29 September 2021

September 29, 2021


- remember to wear orange shirt tomorrow for Day of Truth and Reconciliation

- Read the following stories about orange shirts

- you may want to work on your media project

- no trouble with Mr Gonos please

- No talking during fire drill tomorrow: close windows and door, quiet, line up properly, exit to soccer field

Prime factor these numbers: Use factor trees if possible

72, 108, 135, 100, 504, 324, 820, 1092

if you are really good, try these

154, 176, 2310, 2550, 70980

- if you want, ask parents to get a calculator that will do prime factoring. Mini Kwok has this one

Casio fx300ES Plus from Costco. $10 or $20 from (I will teach you how to use it)

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