Friday 17 September 2021

September 17, 2021

 Music assignment link

Science experiment: you job this weekend is to repeat the same experiment to either your siblings (older than 8) or a parent. Trace their dominate hand, use one or two toothpicks, should have 75 attempts and record the results

French test on Tuesday (Sept 17), vocabulary (match French vocabulary with English words)

Photo Day - Tuesday Sept 21. Dress nicely

- Use five of the following personality words to describe yourself. Write five sentences to explain why

- also tell me your favourite food, hobbies, outfits and things to do at leisure (for next week assignments)

e.g. Mr. Kwok is very loud and rude since he yells at the noisy students outside the classroom (underlined = explanation_

The brilliant and intelligent Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity 500 years ago

French Google Classroom Code
French Google Classroom Code

Hand experiment percent conversion

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