Thursday 16 September 2021

September 16, 2021


- Math test tomorrow. Review work from the first day

- problem solving sheet, question 8 to 15. Show all steps and calculations

- Tonnie for Terry. Bring money next week

- music assignment due next Thursday Sept 23. Please finish it by then

- If you took batteries from Kwok for typing, please bring $1 tomorrow

- 20 Personality adjectives: Think of people you know and try to describe them

(e.g. Kwok is strange, loud, rude, peculiar and obnoxious)

Ms Chapell is kind, caring, affectionate and polite

Science Experiment

1)    Purpose: Why are we doing this experiment?

Which part of my hand is more sensitive? Palm or fingers


2)    Hypothesis: Educational guess, prediction before experiment

Palm 10, Fingers 12


3)    Equipment: materials that are needed for the experiment


4)    Procedures: step by step description of how the experiment is conducted


5)    Observation – data chart














6)    Controlled variables: factors that stay the same


7)    Measured variables: factor we try to determine


8)    Conclusion: is the palm or fingers more sensitive



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