Friday 29 May 2020

Speech and Science Test

Next week, you will have to do an online science test, as well as submit the audio file of your speech.

The test is open book, and most of the questions are multiple choice. You need to use the next three days to complete speech and study for the test please.

The Science test is based on the information in textbook from

Grade 7 Science: Ecosystem: Chapter 4, Unit B, page 88 to 116

 Let's start with:

- what is living? Watch the 3 videos below

1) Limited Life Span (find out the life span of a fruit fly and a red wood)

2) Metabolism (take in food, use energy, get rid of waste)
         - teens have higher metabolic rate than adults
         - after age 55, adults have lower rate

3) Growth
         - get taller and bigger to an extend (you cannot be 3m tall)
         - more cells in body

4) Reproduction
         - without this, living organisms will extinct
         - plants reproduce asexually (rely of insects or wind to spread pollen)

5) Compose of cells
         - cells = basic building block of life

6) Locomotion
         - how do plants move?  Check this out

7) Adaptation to the environment

If you don't have a textbook, please access it online

Just in case you don't have your science testbooks, you can read it online with the following steps:

Here is the access to all of your favourite.

Username: ontario48
Password: NelsonON123

Thursday 28 May 2020

Lance, Dale and Kwok pattern questions

- try these questions.  Things get more complicated
- Make sure you solve the problems in Sheets as well.  That speeds up your calculations

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Extra curricular activities?

As I am wiring your report card, please email me a list of extra curricular activities that you do in/outside school so I can put that in the staff advisor comment

- you will look better and smell like a rose if you are participating these extra activities, especially for those who ae interested in applying for a specialized program in grade 8
- examples of extra curricular activities: swimming, dancing lessons, piano classes, hockey practices, Portuguese classes, art lessons, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, student librarian for school/public library, peer helper, volunteer in food banks etc

- academic activities such as tutoring, Kumon or Spirit of Math won't count

Answers to Connor questions

- notice the intersecting point of the two line is the answer (8:50am)

- after the line graphs are done, double click the graph and add gridlines to the vertical
and horizontal axis.  As you see here, they met just before 6:40am

Tuesday 26 May 2020

French 9

Bonjour 7C,
Thank you to everyone who is submitting their work. I do look at all of them and try to reply to each of you with feedback. If I miss an assignment, don't worry, I have still received it and checked you off for completing it.
We have all been stuck at home now for quite some time. We are now going to use our imaginations to take a virtual tip! You are going to choose any place in the world that you wish you could travel to right now. You will do some research (you can research in English) and you will follow the instructions to write to me about in French.
This is a culminating task, which means we are taking all the things we've been practicing in the past month and putting it together in an assignment. If you've been keeping up, this should be fairly easy. Plus, you are also preparing yourself for Grade 8! Follow my instructions and use my example as a model to help you. Please do not google translate your sentences as that does not help you learn to write. Following my examples and using what you know will enable you to write your own sentences. Use a dictionary only when you need to translate words or the names of places, countries, etc.
As this assignment requires some research, I will give you a bit more time. It is due Friday June 5. Please continue to use the writing process to complete this  (pre writing, rough draft, etc) but you do not have to show it all to me. Only submit your good copy. Let me know if there are any questions.
Bon voyage! :)

The Connor question

Try this.  The Connor question is easy but the second one is harder.  You will need Sheets to solve the questions for both.  It is much faster.

Monday 25 May 2020

Last chance, Red Maple voting by May 29

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for encouraging your students to read and I know that access to the Red Maple/ Yellow Cedar titles has been inconsistent due to our unusual circumstances.  Some students have been able to check out digital versions of the books through Toronto Public Library, however, not all titles are available in e-book format.

Please attach the following link to your Google Classrooms so students can vote.  The voting form will be available until next week, Friday, May 22.  Let your students know that anyone can vote if they have read any of the books - there is no minimum this year.

If your students need a public library card, here is the link from a previous email:
Toronto Public Library Instant Digital TPL Library Card - temporary card available to anyone 13+ with a Toronto cell phone number that receives texts

Take care and stay safe,


Phy Ed Assignment 5

Hi 7C,

This week, we will be getting active at home while answering some phys.ed questions! :)
Your Task:
1. Watch the video given the link:
2. Video says the instructions step by step but to clarify: you are trying to see how many objects you can touch given 30 seconds (keep score) and answer questions while taking the break.
3. After finishing the activity, please answer the following questions. There is only one answer for each question. Answers can be found in the video so rewatch it when necessary!


1. Does playing basketball improve cardiovascular endurance OR flexibility?
2. Should you be active for 15 OR 60 minutes a day?
3. Do you need 4 OR 8 hours of sleep?
4. Do push-ups improve muscular endurance OR flexibility?
5. Which is better for cardiovascular endurance: soccer OR baseball?

This activity will be graded and it is due next Monday. Make sure you answer the questions on a Google Docs and e-mail it to Thanks!

7C Patterns 3, with equations

- extend the following patterns with the stated rules.  Then plot the results in Google Sheets and create a LINE graph

For example, in the first example, the graph should look like
- make sure there is a title
- you can plot all the graphs on the same sheet

Saturday 23 May 2020

May 25, Attendance 2

The first attendance is full.  I have moved the data from April 6 to May 22 to rows 37 to 66 (below the current data set).  The first sheet is locked, and you cannot change them.  Sorry

Starting from May 25, please enter data as usual from the top of the attendance sheet.

ENTER DATA FOR YOURSELF ONLY.  It is important that you sign the attendance daily because it is part of my evaluation on your sense of responsibility during the at home learning period.

The sheet will lock itself at 10pm every night.  Smart!

Stay safe, be well, be nice to parents and I need a haircut.

Animals With Mustaches | Pictures | POPSUGAR Pets

7C Pattern answers

Friday 22 May 2020

7C Homework, Fri May 22

- power came back at 7:56pm last night, more than 12 hours of  disruption
- this weekend, you need to
 1) do the math below, state patterning rules and find the answers
 2) finish writing your speech and start rehearsing.  By June 5, I need a copy of your speech in MP3 (audio only, no video)
 3) Some of you still have not sent me the first two paragraphs of the speech.  I will send a reminder
 4) As I am writing your report card now, if you sign in daily, do your homework everyday and study for tests, you will get a really good report card.  In the contrary, if you choose to do little, don't be surprised by my honest comment in June

Thursday 21 May 2020

No power in my house this morning

Thursday May 21, 2020

No power, can't post work for you.  Sorry

- I got power back at 7:56pm, 12 hours later

Wednesday 20 May 2020

7C Pattern answers and rules

French 8

Partir et Sortir

Partir and Sortir are two similar words in meaning and in conjugation.
It is important to know that these are irregular IR verbs so they do not follow regular IR verb patterns.
Remarquez !

Partir = to leave/depart                     Sortir = to exit/go out

Je pars                                            Je sors
Tu pars                                           Tu sors
Il/Elle/On part                                  Il/Elle/On sort
Nous partons                                    Nous sortons
Vous partez                                     Vous sortez
Ils/Elles partent                                Ils/Elles sortent

Although their meanings are similar, we use partir when we are talking about leaving for a place or departing. When we speak of modes of transportation, such as, planes, buses, trains, etc, we always use partir because they depart. When we talk about leaving for vacation or for a trip/excursion, we would also use partir.

Sortir is used when you are talking about exiting a building or place and you will usually see a “de” following the verb. For example, “Je sors de ma chambre” = I come out/or exit from my room. You often see EXIT signs at the top of fire exit doors. If you were in a French community, that sign would say « SORTIE ». Sortir can also mean to go out. If you are talking about going out with friends, you would use sortir. Sortir can also be used when talking about taking out an object. For example, if your teacher wanted to tell you to take out your books, she would say « Sortez vos livres ! »

Watch this video to reinforce the above lesson. Listen for the correct pronunciation and to the examples that could help you complete the work. Attention: some of the instructor’s sentences are in the past tense. We will only use the present but the idea of when to use each verb is still presented in each of his examples.

Partie 1: Partir ou Sortir?

Tell me which verb you would use in the following situation. Write partir or sortir beside the situation.

1.    Going out for dinner :
2.    A bus leaving at 9 :00 am :
3.    Exiting your school for a Fire Drill.
4.    Leaving school at the end of the day :
5.    Leaving for vacation :
6.    Taking out your pencils :

Partie 2 : Now that I’ve gotten you to think about situations where you would use partir or sortir, I want you to practice using them. Read each sentence and choose the correct verb to fill in the blank. Don’t forget to conjugate it!!

1.  Vous _____________ de la maison aujourd’hui ?

2. Je _______________mes sandales parce qu’il fait chaud! 

3. Tu __________________  pour les vacances demain?

4. Samedi, je _____________ pour la France.

5. Lucy_________________  de sa chambre.

6. Christine et Pauline aiment _______________ au restaurant pour manger. 

7. Vite! L’autobus ____________ maintenant!

8. Le chien veut ___________________.

9. Tu dois________________ de l’école. Il est 4 h !

10. Les trains __________________ à 3h 10.

11. Jacques et Denise ______________ ce soir. Ils vont au cinéma.

12. Nous _____________  au voyage aujourd’hui. 

13. Elles _______________ avec ses amies.

14. Les chauves- souris ne veulent pas ___________________ quand il y a du soleil.

15.  « __________________vos livres », dit Madame aux élèves.

Partie 3 : Translate the above 15 sentences into English.


Tuesday 19 May 2020

7C Patterns

- we will start the "Patterns" unit today, and it will last for about two weeks
- later on, as we integrate algebraic equations to patterns, you will need to use Sheets to plot up the equations and patterns
- extend the following patterns and state the rules
e.g. 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29
(add 1, then add 2, them add 3, then add 4)

Monday 18 May 2020

Usefulness of masks. Cool experiments with hamsters



- wearing masks will protect other healthy people and hamsters