Wednesday 20 May 2020

French 8

Partir et Sortir

Partir and Sortir are two similar words in meaning and in conjugation.
It is important to know that these are irregular IR verbs so they do not follow regular IR verb patterns.
Remarquez !

Partir = to leave/depart                     Sortir = to exit/go out

Je pars                                            Je sors
Tu pars                                           Tu sors
Il/Elle/On part                                  Il/Elle/On sort
Nous partons                                    Nous sortons
Vous partez                                     Vous sortez
Ils/Elles partent                                Ils/Elles sortent

Although their meanings are similar, we use partir when we are talking about leaving for a place or departing. When we speak of modes of transportation, such as, planes, buses, trains, etc, we always use partir because they depart. When we talk about leaving for vacation or for a trip/excursion, we would also use partir.

Sortir is used when you are talking about exiting a building or place and you will usually see a “de” following the verb. For example, “Je sors de ma chambre” = I come out/or exit from my room. You often see EXIT signs at the top of fire exit doors. If you were in a French community, that sign would say « SORTIE ». Sortir can also mean to go out. If you are talking about going out with friends, you would use sortir. Sortir can also be used when talking about taking out an object. For example, if your teacher wanted to tell you to take out your books, she would say « Sortez vos livres ! »

Watch this video to reinforce the above lesson. Listen for the correct pronunciation and to the examples that could help you complete the work. Attention: some of the instructor’s sentences are in the past tense. We will only use the present but the idea of when to use each verb is still presented in each of his examples.

Partie 1: Partir ou Sortir?

Tell me which verb you would use in the following situation. Write partir or sortir beside the situation.

1.    Going out for dinner :
2.    A bus leaving at 9 :00 am :
3.    Exiting your school for a Fire Drill.
4.    Leaving school at the end of the day :
5.    Leaving for vacation :
6.    Taking out your pencils :

Partie 2 : Now that I’ve gotten you to think about situations where you would use partir or sortir, I want you to practice using them. Read each sentence and choose the correct verb to fill in the blank. Don’t forget to conjugate it!!

1.  Vous _____________ de la maison aujourd’hui ?

2. Je _______________mes sandales parce qu’il fait chaud! 

3. Tu __________________  pour les vacances demain?

4. Samedi, je _____________ pour la France.

5. Lucy_________________  de sa chambre.

6. Christine et Pauline aiment _______________ au restaurant pour manger. 

7. Vite! L’autobus ____________ maintenant!

8. Le chien veut ___________________.

9. Tu dois________________ de l’école. Il est 4 h !

10. Les trains __________________ à 3h 10.

11. Jacques et Denise ______________ ce soir. Ils vont au cinéma.

12. Nous _____________  au voyage aujourd’hui. 

13. Elles _______________ avec ses amies.

14. Les chauves- souris ne veulent pas ___________________ quand il y a du soleil.

15.  « __________________vos livres », dit Madame aux élèves.

Partie 3 : Translate the above 15 sentences into English.


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