Tuesday 26 May 2020

French 9

Bonjour 7C,
Thank you to everyone who is submitting their work. I do look at all of them and try to reply to each of you with feedback. If I miss an assignment, don't worry, I have still received it and checked you off for completing it.
We have all been stuck at home now for quite some time. We are now going to use our imaginations to take a virtual tip! You are going to choose any place in the world that you wish you could travel to right now. You will do some research (you can research in English) and you will follow the instructions to write to me about in French.
This is a culminating task, which means we are taking all the things we've been practicing in the past month and putting it together in an assignment. If you've been keeping up, this should be fairly easy. Plus, you are also preparing yourself for Grade 8! Follow my instructions and use my example as a model to help you. Please do not google translate your sentences as that does not help you learn to write. Following my examples and using what you know will enable you to write your own sentences. Use a dictionary only when you need to translate words or the names of places, countries, etc.
As this assignment requires some research, I will give you a bit more time. It is due Friday June 5. Please continue to use the writing process to complete this  (pre writing, rough draft, etc) but you do not have to show it all to me. Only submit your good copy. Let me know if there are any questions.
Bon voyage! :)

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