Friday 29 May 2020

Speech and Science Test

Next week, you will have to do an online science test, as well as submit the audio file of your speech.

The test is open book, and most of the questions are multiple choice. You need to use the next three days to complete speech and study for the test please.

The Science test is based on the information in textbook from

Grade 7 Science: Ecosystem: Chapter 4, Unit B, page 88 to 116

 Let's start with:

- what is living? Watch the 3 videos below

1) Limited Life Span (find out the life span of a fruit fly and a red wood)

2) Metabolism (take in food, use energy, get rid of waste)
         - teens have higher metabolic rate than adults
         - after age 55, adults have lower rate

3) Growth
         - get taller and bigger to an extend (you cannot be 3m tall)
         - more cells in body

4) Reproduction
         - without this, living organisms will extinct
         - plants reproduce asexually (rely of insects or wind to spread pollen)

5) Compose of cells
         - cells = basic building block of life

6) Locomotion
         - how do plants move?  Check this out

7) Adaptation to the environment

If you don't have a textbook, please access it online

Just in case you don't have your science testbooks, you can read it online with the following steps:

Here is the access to all of your favourite.

Username: ontario48
Password: NelsonON123


  1. Does the science test apply to all grade 7's?

  2. Read the title, 7A, 7C and 7F. The classes that I teach
