Wednesday 30 November 2022

Better call Saul


November 30, 2022

Study for Health test tomorrow. Open book, 40 mins to complete a Google Form 

Complete Financial Literacy assignment below on credit cards:

Part C: Interest rate on loans, credit cards, payday loans as well as price of goods/services


How do banks make money? Even they pay very little interest in your saving account, the charges on loans and credit cards are very high.  Let’s take a look at the rate for the following banks



Interest on purchases

Interest on cash advance

Annual Fee






$0 to $139


Royal Bank












Scotia Bank












National Bank







Kwok’s note: After you purchase something, there is a grace period that you don’t have to pay interest charges. That grace period is usually 3 weeks or 21 days, and you must pay off your entire monthly bill by that time. Otherwise, interest will be charged on all the purchases.


- Pick one credit card that you need. Give three reasons to explain how you need that card


- ask parents why they pick the credit cards that they have (travel rewards, cash back, free food from supermarkets etc)

Monday 28 November 2022

November 29, 2022


- wear black shirt or black hoodies or black sweatshirt tomorrow

Monologue choices (presentation next week, memorize the script)

Health test on Thursday December 1. Merry Christmas

- open book, Google form 

- notes:

From this website, find one piece of indigenous art that you like, and come up to explain to the class tomorrow in a minute or less WHY that is your favourite

Activity 2: Calculate how much interest will be earned every year for the following cases

a. $1000 at 1% per year                                  b. $1234 at 1% per year


c. $1000 at 5.5% per year                               d. $3210 at 5.75% per year


e. $1000 at 7.5% every two year                    f. $1660 at 18.88% for three years


g. $2500 at 18.88% for five years                   h. $3000 at 19.75% for four years

18.88% ¸ 100 = 0.1888 


7B, 7C Nov 28, links for Interest calculations

 When money is deposited in a bank, the bank uses your money and invest or lend it to other customers so they can make a profit. The money that is earned from your saving or cheqing account is called “INTEREST”.


If the interest rate is 2.50%, how much interest will be earned if there is $1000 in your account, and the money is left there for the next 12 months (365 days)?


Step 1: Convert 2.50% into decimal

2.50 ¸ 100 = 0.025


Step 2: Use the money in your bank account and multiply by the interest rate in decimal

1000 ´ 0.025 = $25                 


That means if the money is not touched for a year, you will collect $25 as interest, or about $2.00 per month


Part A: Calculate the interest received from the following cases. Show all steps






Annual Interest rate




Interest earned after a year





Part B: use the following links and determine the interest rates of saving accounts from different banks, assuming you have $1000



TD Bank

Bank of Montreal

Royal Bank (RBC)


Interest Rate in saving account

When there is $1000






Scotia Bank

National Bank



Interest Rate in saving account

When there is $1000






Part C: If you leave the money in the bank for a longer period of time and lock in the terms, say 180 days or a year, then the rates are usually higher. That means within that time period, the money cannot be withdrawn and transfer elsewhere. These are called GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificates)


Note that these are annual rates, and if the term is more than a year, the interest earned will be converted accordingly.


Example: Scotia bank 2 year GIC is at 5% annual rate. If you have $1000 there, by the end of the second year, the interest earned will be


Step 1 5% = 0.05                     Step 2: 1000 ´ 0.05 = $50 interest per year

Step 3: Two years will be $50 interest ´ 2 = $100 earned


Complete the table below and determine the best interest rate, term (duration) for each of the following banks. Some of the links are listed above on this page.







Scotia Bank

Term (how many days or months or years)






Annual Interest Rate






If you have $1000, how much interest will be earned when the GIC matures? Show calculations













7B, 7C November 28, 2022

 Dead Sea

The Dead Sea fill in the blanks


1.     The Dead Sea is less than _____ hour from Jerusalem, Israel in the Middle East.

2.     The surface of the Dead Sea is ______ meters below sea level

3.     This makes it the _______ dry point on the earth. From the Dead Sea, we can only go ________

4.     The Dead Sea is not really a ______, actually it is a _____________________.

5.     The salt content in the Dead Sea it's around _________%. And this is _________ times saltier than the ocean

6.     People can ________ on water in the Dead Sea because of the high ______ concentration in the water.

7.     Mr. Kwok, on the other hand, is learning to ______ on water

8.     Because of its extreme salinity of the water, no life form can t_______ there

9.     The Dead Sea has an unusual phenomena, it spits out ____________constantly

10.  In ancient times, Egypt imported this material all the time to do what?




11.  The average temperature in the area it's around ______ degree Celsius.

12.  Mud from the Dead Sea does miracle to human __________

13.   the mod will make your skin _________ and ________, it will remove _______,  t________ from your body. The mud can also remove _________ from your head

14.  The mud will replace these toxic substance with ___________

15.  The water from the Dead Sea doesn't taste salty, but it tastes __________ because of the high _______ concentration

16.  The water is bitter and _______


17.  Anyone can flow in the Dead Sea even though they don't know how to _________

18.  Dead Sea is between these two countries: _______________ and _____________

19.  Hyper salinity means that that she has a lot of_____________

20.  In addition, to the low r__________ and d______ environment, relatively high ___________ and ________ also contributes to the salinity in the water

21.  Seawater contains _______% of salt but the Dead Sea water contains ______%

22.  The higher the salinity of the water, the higher the d__________

23.  Density = mass divided by ___________

24.  The density of the water in the Dead Sea is 1240kg/m3  but the human body density is around ____________kg/m3

25.  We float on the Dead Sea because our density is l_______ than the water there

26.  Explain how a swimmer can get drown in the Dead Sea if it is impossible to sink

Friday 25 November 2022

November 26, 2022

7C (Kwok): complete the bird migration passage and submit to me please

  1. Have students go to
  2. Students should sign in with their Google account.
  3. Students enter class code 6ZHMVS

Ask parents: how many TAPS, e-transfer, ATM, in branch services, cheques and Intrac services they used last month. Provide an estimate

Thursday 24 November 2022

November 24, 2022

If you are a student, from age 12 to University level (around age 23), you are entitled to use a student account.  Take a look at this link

Monologue choices

Wednesday 23 November 2022

7B, November 23, 2022


- must have a highlighter tomorrow

- complete case 2, 3 and 4 for the service fee for Bank of Toronto, e-Bank and Bank 0f Canada

- first page, compare the three saving accounts at TD with the following link

November 23, 2022


Case 1 to 4 in financial literacy. Which bank will you open a saving account? Explain why

Tonight, ask parents how many TAPS, cheques, ATM withdraw and e-transfer they make this month.

Estimate the fee they have to pay.

Royal bank of Canada earns $17 BILLION of profit last year

Bank of Nova Scotia earns $10 BILLION of profit in 2021

They make this much every time you TAP and do an e-transfer to someone else

Tuesday 22 November 2022

November 22, 2022

7C: must bring and wear indoor shoes in my room and in 107. If you drag mud into my class, it will be your responsibility to clean up the mess after school

- leave indoor shoes/slippers in locker till March

Financial literacy link

For those who do not receive an allowance, please talk to your parents nicely tonight during dinner (when they are in a good mood) and ask for an allowance.  The reasons being:

- you need to learn how to manage money from a young age

- if you don't know how to manage from a young age, there will be a lot of problems when you are older. you will over spend 

- Mini Kwok spends half, and save half

- receive an allowance in exchange for work at home (fold laundry, clean dishes, take out trash and blue box, shovel the snow)

BLAME KWOK: Mr. Kwok said "It is important to get a allowance from a young age because . . . "

- parents should not tell you how you spend your allowance. Spend half, save half

Monday 21 November 2022

November 21, 2022

 Three sentences with Unless. Make sure the ideas make sense

Two "Either or" sentences

Two "Yet" sentences

Monologue presentation will start tomorrow. Five students will present. I will pick names from the bin to determine the order

Unless I have money, I cannot go to buy a new computer (make sense)

Unless I don't have money, I cannot go to buy a new computer (doesn't make sense)

Unless I get up earlier, I will be late for school (make sense)

Unless I brush my teeth everyday, I will have cavity. (make sense)

The thief either broke through the windows or the backdoor.

Sunday 20 November 2022

Thursday 17 November 2022

7B, 7C, November 17, 2022

 Complete Math Pre-test. The measurement test will take place on Monday, whether you are in class or online. Be prepared.

Complete and practice monologue on showing emotions next week. You may have to perform online in front of the class!!!!

7C: write 15 sentences with conjunctions. Each sentence must have an adjective and an adverb

Although it is tough to attend class on a bitter cold winter day, it is worth every minute of learning from the fabulous Mr. Kwok

The flowers were small. They smelt fragrant.

The small flowers were fragrant.

The fragrant flowers were small.



A whale is warm-blooded. A whale has hair on its body.

The warm blooded whale has hair on its body.

The hairy whale is warm-blooded.



Although, Since, while, when, unless, yet, so that, neither. . . nor, either. . . or, until


Unless we finish all the homework, we cannot go to the mall.

We cannot go to the mall unless we finish all the homework.


Although Mr Kwok is loud and mean, he cares a lot about his money class.

Mr Kwok cares a lot about his class even though he is loud and mean


Julia has yet to show up in school this morning



Wednesday 16 November 2022

7B, November 16, 2022

Lowest Places on Earth -TOP 16Dead Sea rising: how the lowest place on Earth is getting (slightly) higher  - GeoSpace - AGU Blogosphere

-Dead Sea, 405m below the sea level. Lowest point on Earth

 - must wear indoor shoes in my classrooms and lab. Put a pair of running shoes in locker till March Break

- it will be cold this week. Wear appropriate clothing please

Try these questions related to Pythagoras Theorem.

- Measurement test (perimeter, area, square, rectangle, trapezoid, circle, Heron formula, Pythagoras)

November 16, 2022


- monolgue to show emotion (happy, sad, frustrated, depressed, upset, angry, fearful, panic,  . . . .). 45sec to 60sec presentation (spend 45mins writing the assignment tonight)

- start writing and practicing. Presentation will start next week

- math: measurement test next week after PA day. Review, redo and learn it over

- must wear indoor shoes in my classrooms and lab. Put a pair of running shoes in locker till March Break

- it will be cold this week. Wear appropriate clothing please

You know, I don’t think what you are doing is funny. In fact, I think it is sad. You think you’re cool because you grew faster than some people, and now you can beat them up? What is cool about hurting people? We are all here pretending that you’re a leader, when really, I know that you’re nothing but a mean bully! All this time I’ve been scared to say that, but just now, I realized that I’m not afraid of bullies—so, I won’t be afraid of you!

It’s not that I don’t think I’m beautiful, I do… sometimes. The problem is that no matter how many times you tell me this shirt doesn’t make me look bad or that skirt fits perfectly, the mirror tells me otherwise. I mean how long will it take for me to realize it doesn’t matter? It’s one thing to say but I need to believe it. I know I should just wear things that make me happy. I know that nobody cares enough to judge what I look like when they have their own insecurities. I know it isn’t worth this much energy and anxiety, but I can’t stop. The shirt is too tight, or too loose, or not the right colour, and the pants are too rigid, or too short, or too… everything. I’m just in this circle of unhappiness because I don’t look like I want to. I don’t look like everyone else, and I don’t know how to fix it. But…maybe that’s okay. Maybe, just maybe, if I could find happiness in people and experiences, rather than clothes and looks, I would wake up and look forward to picking an outfit every day. Maybe… a source of anxiety could become a source of joy. It just takes a lot of work, and I don’t know if I can do it.

(pacing) Oh, what should I say? What should I say? (stops pacing) Oh, I know! (starts texting) I’d like to tell you something. Just promise you won’t make fun of me. I’ve liked you for quite some time now and have decided to confess my feelings. (accidentally sends it) Oh no!! I just sent it. What if he thinks I’m weird for liking him? What if he likes me back? (to herself) Oh, stop it Linsay! You know he won’t like you back. This is real life, not a fairytale! I know! I’ll just try and make a cover story. (looks at phone nervously) Uh oh! He saw it! He’s typing!! (waits a second) He… stopped. I can’t believe I had hoped that he would like me. I mean look at me! I’m just the nerdy, smart girl that no one likes. (looks at the phone again and looks shocked) He likes me back! I think life just might be a fairytale!

Sorry about the whole blindfolding and kidnapping thing. Here, let me just take this blindfold off…there you go! Welcome to my secret lair! Pretty cool, right? (sigh) Could you stop yelling for help so much? You’re hurting my ears. I promise you I am not a bad guy… here. I only kidnapped you because you knew my secret identity. What else was I supposed to do? Let you tell everyone who I really am? No way. (beat) What was that? The ‘heroes’ will save you? They’re not heroes. They’re the bad guys! (beat) Stop saying I’m the bad guy! I do tons of great things. I have a family…yes, it’s an evil crime family, but I also have a pet cat! What villain has a cat? (beat) No, I do not stroke it with one hand while laughing madly. What can I say to convince you I’m not a bad guy? I do community service…which by community service, I mean, committing crimes for my community. I also help elders get up when they fall down…after I push them. Okay, I can see why you might think I’m a villain, but I swear on my cat that I’m not! Oh shoot, the alarm is going off! Probably some so-called heroes here to rescue you. Don’t you dare move a muscle. I’ll be right back.

Tuesday 15 November 2022

November 15, 2022

 7C: Complete the questions below and find the answer for each valuable

Monday 14 November 2022

7B, 7C November 14, 2022

 Vaccination tomorrow. Make sure you eat breakfast before coming to school.

7C: French test tomorrow

Pythagoras Theorem questions, both side

Math test next week after the PA day, measurements (rectangles, circles, hardwood floor, Lance Armstrong, Pythagoras)

- pretest on Thursday to get you ready

Friday 11 November 2022

7B, 7C, November 11, 2022

 Pay respect to the veterans who give you the freedom everyday.

M&M and oil experiment. Stir M&M for ten minutes in oil (vegetable, peanut, canola, corn or any kind of cooking oil)

- observe, and see what happen to the M, colour coats, sugar shell, chocolate and the nut inside. 

7C: French test on Monday. Study

Thursday 10 November 2022

November 10, 2022, 7C


Remembrance Day donation. Bring at least a quarter and donate money to the Veterans. You will get a red poppy tomorrow during the assembly

Tales of animals in the wars newspaper and worksheet (in French)

As scanned below (if you can, do it in French. If not, complete the English side)