Monday 28 November 2022

7B, 7C November 28, 2022

 Dead Sea

The Dead Sea fill in the blanks


1.     The Dead Sea is less than _____ hour from Jerusalem, Israel in the Middle East.

2.     The surface of the Dead Sea is ______ meters below sea level

3.     This makes it the _______ dry point on the earth. From the Dead Sea, we can only go ________

4.     The Dead Sea is not really a ______, actually it is a _____________________.

5.     The salt content in the Dead Sea it's around _________%. And this is _________ times saltier than the ocean

6.     People can ________ on water in the Dead Sea because of the high ______ concentration in the water.

7.     Mr. Kwok, on the other hand, is learning to ______ on water

8.     Because of its extreme salinity of the water, no life form can t_______ there

9.     The Dead Sea has an unusual phenomena, it spits out ____________constantly

10.  In ancient times, Egypt imported this material all the time to do what?




11.  The average temperature in the area it's around ______ degree Celsius.

12.  Mud from the Dead Sea does miracle to human __________

13.   the mod will make your skin _________ and ________, it will remove _______,  t________ from your body. The mud can also remove _________ from your head

14.  The mud will replace these toxic substance with ___________

15.  The water from the Dead Sea doesn't taste salty, but it tastes __________ because of the high _______ concentration

16.  The water is bitter and _______


17.  Anyone can flow in the Dead Sea even though they don't know how to _________

18.  Dead Sea is between these two countries: _______________ and _____________

19.  Hyper salinity means that that she has a lot of_____________

20.  In addition, to the low r__________ and d______ environment, relatively high ___________ and ________ also contributes to the salinity in the water

21.  Seawater contains _______% of salt but the Dead Sea water contains ______%

22.  The higher the salinity of the water, the higher the d__________

23.  Density = mass divided by ___________

24.  The density of the water in the Dead Sea is 1240kg/m3  but the human body density is around ____________kg/m3

25.  We float on the Dead Sea because our density is l_______ than the water there

26.  Explain how a swimmer can get drown in the Dead Sea if it is impossible to sink

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