Wednesday 16 November 2022

November 16, 2022


- monolgue to show emotion (happy, sad, frustrated, depressed, upset, angry, fearful, panic,  . . . .). 45sec to 60sec presentation (spend 45mins writing the assignment tonight)

- start writing and practicing. Presentation will start next week

- math: measurement test next week after PA day. Review, redo and learn it over

- must wear indoor shoes in my classrooms and lab. Put a pair of running shoes in locker till March Break

- it will be cold this week. Wear appropriate clothing please

You know, I don’t think what you are doing is funny. In fact, I think it is sad. You think you’re cool because you grew faster than some people, and now you can beat them up? What is cool about hurting people? We are all here pretending that you’re a leader, when really, I know that you’re nothing but a mean bully! All this time I’ve been scared to say that, but just now, I realized that I’m not afraid of bullies—so, I won’t be afraid of you!

It’s not that I don’t think I’m beautiful, I do… sometimes. The problem is that no matter how many times you tell me this shirt doesn’t make me look bad or that skirt fits perfectly, the mirror tells me otherwise. I mean how long will it take for me to realize it doesn’t matter? It’s one thing to say but I need to believe it. I know I should just wear things that make me happy. I know that nobody cares enough to judge what I look like when they have their own insecurities. I know it isn’t worth this much energy and anxiety, but I can’t stop. The shirt is too tight, or too loose, or not the right colour, and the pants are too rigid, or too short, or too… everything. I’m just in this circle of unhappiness because I don’t look like I want to. I don’t look like everyone else, and I don’t know how to fix it. But…maybe that’s okay. Maybe, just maybe, if I could find happiness in people and experiences, rather than clothes and looks, I would wake up and look forward to picking an outfit every day. Maybe… a source of anxiety could become a source of joy. It just takes a lot of work, and I don’t know if I can do it.

(pacing) Oh, what should I say? What should I say? (stops pacing) Oh, I know! (starts texting) I’d like to tell you something. Just promise you won’t make fun of me. I’ve liked you for quite some time now and have decided to confess my feelings. (accidentally sends it) Oh no!! I just sent it. What if he thinks I’m weird for liking him? What if he likes me back? (to herself) Oh, stop it Linsay! You know he won’t like you back. This is real life, not a fairytale! I know! I’ll just try and make a cover story. (looks at phone nervously) Uh oh! He saw it! He’s typing!! (waits a second) He… stopped. I can’t believe I had hoped that he would like me. I mean look at me! I’m just the nerdy, smart girl that no one likes. (looks at the phone again and looks shocked) He likes me back! I think life just might be a fairytale!

Sorry about the whole blindfolding and kidnapping thing. Here, let me just take this blindfold off…there you go! Welcome to my secret lair! Pretty cool, right? (sigh) Could you stop yelling for help so much? You’re hurting my ears. I promise you I am not a bad guy… here. I only kidnapped you because you knew my secret identity. What else was I supposed to do? Let you tell everyone who I really am? No way. (beat) What was that? The ‘heroes’ will save you? They’re not heroes. They’re the bad guys! (beat) Stop saying I’m the bad guy! I do tons of great things. I have a family…yes, it’s an evil crime family, but I also have a pet cat! What villain has a cat? (beat) No, I do not stroke it with one hand while laughing madly. What can I say to convince you I’m not a bad guy? I do community service…which by community service, I mean, committing crimes for my community. I also help elders get up when they fall down…after I push them. Okay, I can see why you might think I’m a villain, but I swear on my cat that I’m not! Oh shoot, the alarm is going off! Probably some so-called heroes here to rescue you. Don’t you dare move a muscle. I’ll be right back.

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