Tuesday 22 November 2022

November 22, 2022


7C: must bring and wear indoor shoes in my room and in 107. If you drag mud into my class, it will be your responsibility to clean up the mess after school

- leave indoor shoes/slippers in locker till March

Financial literacy link


For those who do not receive an allowance, please talk to your parents nicely tonight during dinner (when they are in a good mood) and ask for an allowance.  The reasons being:

- you need to learn how to manage money from a young age

- if you don't know how to manage from a young age, there will be a lot of problems when you are older. you will over spend 

- Mini Kwok spends half, and save half

- receive an allowance in exchange for work at home (fold laundry, clean dishes, take out trash and blue box, shovel the snow)

BLAME KWOK: Mr. Kwok said "It is important to get a allowance from a young age because . . . "

- parents should not tell you how you spend your allowance. Spend half, save half

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