Tuesday 31 May 2022

May 31, 2022


Science test


Homework: pictures of 30 Canadian animals and their names on a Google Doc

(5 mammals, 5 reptiles, 5 amphibians, 10 birds, 5 fish)

Dance score sheet


Tell parents to vote on June 2022. Don't complain if they dont vote for the next four years

June 2022 Provincial Election (Thursday June 2)

-       Provincial government is responsible for education, health care, road regulations for highways , park/recreation, government jobs for Ontario



Conservatives – Ford, pro-business, tax cuts, profit, cut back on public services, affordable housing


Liberal – Del Duca – in between the Conservative and NDP, cut back on education and health care, privatize, affordable housing 


NDP – Horwarth – for the people, give them long term care, medicine, dental care for free, tax the wealthy, smaller class size, more nurses, more doctors, affordable housing


Green – Schreiner – green energy, fossil fuel prices will skyrocket, affordable housing

Monday 30 May 2022

Sangster math, May 30, 2022

 2b) Enriko eats three times more ice cream sandwiches than Eric. Evan easts the same amount as Enriko. All together, they eat 91 ice cream sandwiches. Determine how many did each person eat.


2c) In a hockey game, Mario had 6 times more shots than Doug.  Wayne had 3 times more shots than Doug.  If they had 120 shots all together, how many shots on goal did  Wayne get? [36]


4) In a baseball game, Alomar had 7 times more hits than Carter.  Molitor had 5 times more hits than Carter.  All together, they had 168 hits in that game.  How many hits did Molitor get?


5) My gradmother is 8 times older than my brother. My brother is is 2 times older than me. All together, they are 121 years old. How old is my grandmother?


6) There are 9 times more people in a room 109 than the library. There are 5 times more people in room 201 than the library. All together, there are 345 people. How many people in each room?

- Q8 and Q9 are not the same as the rest. Read carefully

8). Richard is two times older than his cousin Jenny.  Jay is five times older than Jenny.  If Richard is 22 years old, how old is Jay? [55]


9) Genius is 3 times smarter than Four Eyes.  Whinny is twice as smart as Four Eyes.  If Whinny has an IQ of 64, what is the IQ of Genius? 


May 30, 2022

 7B Science test tomorrow (Ecosystem). Study

- watch Tony Hawk 900 and 2022 highlights. Cloze tomorrow is about him, and his childhood

From (Toronto Star, May 30, 2022)


Friday 27 May 2022

Sangster Math, May 27

 May 27, 2022, adding and subtracting negative integers


14 + 12                                    14 + (–12)                                14 – (–12)                    14 – (+12)

= 26                                         = 14 – 12                                 = 14 + 12                     = 14 – 12         

                                                = 2                                           = 26                             = 2



Mr Kwok thinks about MONEY all the time, even in his sleep


Positive number: earning or making money

Negative number: spending money, debt



14 + 12                                                                        14 + (–12)                                

= 26                                                                             = 14 – 12                                             

                                                                                    = 2                                           


- I have $14 in my wallet,                                            - I have $14 in my wallet

My parents give me $12.                                            I spend $12 for lunch

Now, I have $26                                                          Now, I only have $2 in my wallet



Try these questions


18 + (–12) – (–7)                                 23 – (–9) + (–5)                       55 – (+17) + (–10)

= 18 –12 +7                                         = 23 +95                                = 55 – 17 –10

= left to right                                       = left to right                           = 38 – 10

= 6 + 7                                                 = 32 – 5                                   = 28

= 13                                                     = 27



Problem solving based algebra


My dad is 7 times older than me, and my sister is twice as old as me. All together, the sum of our age is 120 years. How old is my dad?


Step 1:  Find the person with the least/lowest/youngest. Give that person one box




Step 2: How many boxes will you give sister and dad?




All together, there are 10 boxes

All together, 120 years


How many years in one box? 120/10 = 12 years in one box


Dad has 7 boxes, 7 x 12 = 84 years



2a) Amir reads twice as many books as Kwok. Kate reads three times more than Kwok. All together, they read 192 books. How many books did each read?

2b) Sybil reads four times more than Bruce.  Charlie reads twice as much as Bruce.  All together, they read 56 novels last month.  How many novel did Sybil read? [ans: 32]

2b) Enriko eats three times more ice cream sandwiches than Eric. Evan easts the same amount as Enriko. All together, they eat 91 ice cream sandwiches. Determine how many did each person eat.

3b) In a race, Leah runs 8 times more distance than Biden, and Reid runs 6 times more distance than Biden. If Leah runs for 44Km, how many km did Reid and Biden run?

May 27, 2022


- Close 8 to 11

- bring bowl and spoon for ice cream treats on Monday (I will have banana, ice cream and chocolate syrup) for winning the Spirit Day challenge

- Science test (ecosystem) next week. Study and review the pre-test

- dance performance will start next week. (criteria: dance in unison with other members, dance with the tone of music, level of difficulty, movement of body: hands, arm, legs, feet)

Grade Seven Science Pre-test, Ecosystem


80% or better – ice cream bars

1)    What are omnivores?

2)    What do green plants do that we don’t do?

3)    Give one example of a detrivores

4)    Name a plant that is an invasive species

5)    When there are too many deer in a small area, what will happen?

6)    Name the 7 criteria that define “LIVING”

7)    What is secondary succession?

8)    How did zebra mussels come to North America?

9)    Explain why zebra mussel is an invasive species

10) Name three chemicals that are used as fertilizer

11) Name three advantages of having a living green wall in the office building

12) Free Images : animal, predator, reptile, fauna, lizard, tyrannosaurus ...Draw a land food web with 8 living organisms





13) Name three abiotic elements

14) Name three adverse harmful side effects of farming

15)  Name three adverse harmful side effects of mining


Thursday 26 May 2022

Health notes, May 26

 Stage 4 of puberty



Female (age 14 to 17), 

grade 11

Male (age 13 to 17), grade 11



Armpit hair thickens

Armpit hair thickens


More oily skin, (forehead, cheeks) - pimples

More oily skin, (forehead, cheeks) - pimples

Physical development

Breast continues to develop

Testicles/scrotum continues to develop

- voice deepens


Menstruation cycle continues, and stabilized

- may have the first sign of ‘wet dream’ – ejaculation while you sleep







Stage 5 of puberty



Female (age 16 to 19)

Male (age 17 to 20)

Physical development

Complete genetical development

Complete genetical development


Full adult height, unlikely to grow taller

- very possible to gain weight depending on diet

(a lot of fast food, junk, fried food, carbohydrate – fat)

(a lot of fruit/vegetable, exercise) – physically fit

Full adult height, unlikely to grow taller

- very possible to gain weight depending on diet

(a lot of fast food, junk, fried food, carbohydrate – fat)

(a lot of fruit/vegetable, exercise) – physically fit

Body shape

- body shape of a fully grown female (top figure, wider hips)

- body shape of a fully grown male (wide shoulder, taller, muscular)

Growth Spurt (appetite, how fast you become taller, gain weight)

Slow down

Slow down






May 26, 2022

 Cloze passages 5 to 8 (count many words you have to put in per passage)

Spirit Day ice cream treat 1: Monday - hot day - bring a bowl/spoon. I will get ice cream, banana, syrup from Costco. Treat 2 will take place by the end of June

Science test next week. Ecosystem, STUDY

“Can Money Buy Happiness?”

Written by: Kate lee

Is it possible for money to make someone physically and emotionally happy? Happiness is a tough concept to define. Although some people believe that money can provide happiness, others disagree. Wealth can provide entertainment, but the best things in life are sometimes free.

Even if you had all the money in the world in the palm of your hands, loneliness, depression, stress, and sadness can still occur. Consider Robin Williams, a well-known American actor and comedian. He has amassed a massive fortune and has been noticed for his improvisational skills in a variety of movies and shows. On August 11, 2014, Robin Williams committed suicide due to depression and anxiety issues. Such outbursts are very understandable. Pop artists and comedians alike face a barrage of hatred, misunderstanding, and criticism since they are public figures. This case exemplifies how wealth alone cannot heal a broken soul.

Family and friends have been there for us throughout our whole lives. They've led us down a delightful path. With them, we have created all of our memories. All the scars, laughter, embarrassments, and joys we’ve shared are irreplaceable. Recollection is something that no amount of money can buy. A great deal of income can buy a fantastic experience, whether it's swimming with dolphins off the coast of Western Australia or bungee jumping over a glass bridge. What's important is who you spend that special time with, regardless of what you do or where you go.

In conclusion, happiness and sincerity are two human qualities that are completely free. Helping others, keeping calm, and caring about others boost your happiness. This type of joy cannot be purchased with money. True happiness is priceless.

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Sangster Math, May 25

 May 25, 2022, Algebra with exponents


A= 1                 B= 2                 C=3                  D=4                 E= 5     

F = –6              G = –7              H= –8


F^2 (or F2)

Wrong –62

= –36 (incorrect)


(–6)^2                                     G^3                                         

= (–6) x (–6)                             = (–7) x (–7) x (–7)

= 36                                         =  – 343




H^4                                         B^3 + A^2                                C^4 – D^2                    E^2 – B^2

= (–8) x (–8) x(–8) x(–8)          =2^3 + 1^2                              = 3^4 – 4^2                 = 5^2 – 2^2

= 4096                                     = 8 + 1                                     = 81 – 16                     = 25 – 4

                                                =9                                            = 65                             = 21



A= 1                 B= 2                 C=3                  D=4                 E= 5     

F = –6              G = –7              H= –8


F^3 + G^2                    G^0 + H^3                   F^2 + H^2                    G^3 – B^4




3E + F^3                      5C – H^2                     7D + G^3                     DE + GH – F^2

Anything^0 = 1

Kwok^0 =1

666^0 =1

G^0 =1



May 25, 2022

 Algebra, Q#7 to 17

Close 3 and 4

Science test on ecosystem next week. STUDY

Find a home for Niks in Elliot Lake


May 25, 2022 (p. 151, 111 to 113)

- how do human affects the ecosystem?

- 1) Mining: dig minerals out of the ground and leave a big hole with no trees in the area

- Elliot Lake, Ontario (was a Uranium town in 1950s and 1960s)

- all mines were closed in the 1970s – pollution, awful environment

- in 2022, Elliot Lake advertises itself as a perfect senior retirement centre 

(a house is around $75000, a parking spot in Toronto is more than $100K)

- homework: find a perfect house in Elliot Lake for Nika and her dog


2) Farming: the demand for food increases constantly (grains, meat, fruits and vegetables)

- cut down trees to make larger farmland

- top soil starts losing nutrients very quickly (dust bowl)

- best fertilizer: phosphate, potash, nitrite (Russia) – fertilizer price is at all time high -farmers cannot afford them

- farmers add pesticides to their crops (kill insects who eat the crops)

- find the price of 10Kg of horse manure ($14 to $56 per 10Kg)

- find the price of 10Kg of chicken manure ($50 per 10Kg)

- find the price of 1g of Kwok manure (priceless)




1)    Urban development – build a plaza, mall, townhouse complex

- affect water supplies – sewage pipes, water pipes, electric supplies and cables – underground

- trees are removed

- where to put all the waste from construction? (concrete? Lumber, plastic, rubber, metals? – landfills)

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Health notes, May 24, 2022

 May 24, 2022 Stage 3 of puberty



Female (age 12 to 15)

Male (age 13 to 16)

Physical changes


- pubic hair: thicker and darker

- pubic hair: thicker and start to spread into a wider area

- facial hair starts to appear


- no change in tone of voice


- deepen


- no significant change

- shoulders start to broaden


- continues to grow (bra shopping)

- no significant change


- menstruation cycle begins

(period every 28 days – depending on many factors)

- mucus secretion in the cervix

- testicles and scrotum continue to grow larger

- penis grows in length (sponge tissue)


- you can be a mother now







Stage 4 of puberty



Female (age 14 to 17)

Male (age 13 to 17)