Wednesday 25 May 2022

May 25, 2022

 Algebra, Q#7 to 17

Close 3 and 4

Science test on ecosystem next week. STUDY

Find a home for Niks in Elliot Lake

May 25, 2022 (p. 151, 111 to 113)

- how do human affects the ecosystem?

- 1) Mining: dig minerals out of the ground and leave a big hole with no trees in the area

- Elliot Lake, Ontario (was a Uranium town in 1950s and 1960s)

- all mines were closed in the 1970s – pollution, awful environment

- in 2022, Elliot Lake advertises itself as a perfect senior retirement centre 

(a house is around $75000, a parking spot in Toronto is more than $100K)

- homework: find a perfect house in Elliot Lake for Nika and her dog


2) Farming: the demand for food increases constantly (grains, meat, fruits and vegetables)

- cut down trees to make larger farmland

- top soil starts losing nutrients very quickly (dust bowl)

- best fertilizer: phosphate, potash, nitrite (Russia) – fertilizer price is at all time high -farmers cannot afford them

- farmers add pesticides to their crops (kill insects who eat the crops)

- find the price of 10Kg of horse manure ($14 to $56 per 10Kg)

- find the price of 10Kg of chicken manure ($50 per 10Kg)

- find the price of 1g of Kwok manure (priceless)




1)    Urban development – build a plaza, mall, townhouse complex

- affect water supplies – sewage pipes, water pipes, electric supplies and cables – underground

- trees are removed

- where to put all the waste from construction? (concrete? Lumber, plastic, rubber, metals? – landfills)

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