Thursday 26 May 2022

May 26, 2022

 Cloze passages 5 to 8 (count many words you have to put in per passage)

Spirit Day ice cream treat 1: Monday - hot day - bring a bowl/spoon. I will get ice cream, banana, syrup from Costco. Treat 2 will take place by the end of June

Science test next week. Ecosystem, STUDY

“Can Money Buy Happiness?”

Written by: Kate lee

Is it possible for money to make someone physically and emotionally happy? Happiness is a tough concept to define. Although some people believe that money can provide happiness, others disagree. Wealth can provide entertainment, but the best things in life are sometimes free.

Even if you had all the money in the world in the palm of your hands, loneliness, depression, stress, and sadness can still occur. Consider Robin Williams, a well-known American actor and comedian. He has amassed a massive fortune and has been noticed for his improvisational skills in a variety of movies and shows. On August 11, 2014, Robin Williams committed suicide due to depression and anxiety issues. Such outbursts are very understandable. Pop artists and comedians alike face a barrage of hatred, misunderstanding, and criticism since they are public figures. This case exemplifies how wealth alone cannot heal a broken soul.

Family and friends have been there for us throughout our whole lives. They've led us down a delightful path. With them, we have created all of our memories. All the scars, laughter, embarrassments, and joys we’ve shared are irreplaceable. Recollection is something that no amount of money can buy. A great deal of income can buy a fantastic experience, whether it's swimming with dolphins off the coast of Western Australia or bungee jumping over a glass bridge. What's important is who you spend that special time with, regardless of what you do or where you go.

In conclusion, happiness and sincerity are two human qualities that are completely free. Helping others, keeping calm, and caring about others boost your happiness. This type of joy cannot be purchased with money. True happiness is priceless.

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