Tuesday 30 November 2021

Sangster's math class, Nov 30

To download the book, click on this link:


Read Chapter 7, page 46 to 48 in the book (life stage investing)


November 30, 2021


- grade 3 math conversion (cross multiplication about time, money and dates)

- formal letter. Set up the tabs for sender/receiver address, date, greetings, body of letter (2 paragraphs), and salutation

- you are applying to the Kwok's School for the Elite Geniuses (any program)

- Dear Mr. Director,

- body of letter 

1) reasons for your application (what program you are interested in)

2) how you are doing in school (favourite subjects, marks, learning skills)

3) why should the school accept you next year

- do the ideas and reasons in point form tonight. Don't write them in paragraphs yet

Monday 29 November 2021

November 29, 2021

 - It will be cold tomorrow. Bring a mug to warm you up after lunch

- Math: cross multiplication and ratio, both sides

- Read the rest of Phantom Tollbooth, p. 138 to 143

Watch Disney's World of Colour


Geography note

  • Ocean crust (10km thick)  is pushed below the continents (45km to 60km)along the west side of North/South America

  • Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common along those areas

  • Ring of Fire: cracks on ocean floor around Asia, N/S America, northern Oceania (submarine volcanoes ---> submarine quakes ----> tsunami)

  • Natural disasters#2: forest fire (every summer in California, Alberta)

  • Town of Paradise in California, not more tree roots to hold the soil in place

  • During rain storms, the soil is washed away

Friday 26 November 2021

Sangster's math class Nov 26

 Student Saving Accounts

If you are a student, from age 12 to University level (around age 23), you are entitled to use a student account.  Take a look at this link



Activity 2: Use the information from this page complete the following table


Bank or institution


Sign up Promotion

Monthly Transactions

Interac e-transfer

Other information

Scotia Bank



5000 Scene Pts



More than 3400 ATM

- free debit card














































Which account will you choose?  Give three reasons for your choice.

1) My parents bank with TD, so they open an account for me


2) There are quite a few ATM machines in the area


3) There are more branches in the city and many have extended hours (open till 8pm on Thurs  and Fri) and open during the weekends



Something to consider:

-       Save regularly, and it really doesn’t matter how much you deposit in the bank account

-       Can be as little as $10 per deposit


November 26, 2021

Math test bonus:

Year = 100, Charges = $666.66, Interest Rate 19.75%

Find the total after 100 years (answer: $44818426657.29)

- you will need your computer and headphone for music on Monday

- compose 5 IT sentences, and 3 sentences that begin with adverbs

e.g. It is necessary to eat a healthy breakfast every morning

It is very important to study for all tests in the evenings

Suddenly, Mr Kwok screams at the students outside Room 109

7B Water Filtration Videos (2)

Water Filtration Video


Watch the video above and find the missing information in the worksheet below.

1)    All wastewater in the city goes to a t___________________________ so it turns back into _______________________

2)    It all starts when we flush the t______________

3)    New York City has ___________ water treatment plants and they treat a total of __________ billion gallons each day

4)    There are __________ water treatment plants in the USA

5)    Step 1: The larger items, including w__________ and t________ are separated by b______ screens and they are trucked to the l________________

6)    The main objective of pre-treatment of sewage water is to make sewage less c_______________

7)    Step 2: The grit chambers let the s_________ and r_________ settle out, and there are _____ types of grit chambers: Horizontal, Aeriated, and Vortex

8)    Step 3: Primary Clarifiers: the waste water (without solids, sand and rocks) then  pump into the primary clarifier to remove all o____________ m__________

9)    Afterwards, the top level of water flows into s______________ treatment

10) Step 4: Secondary treatment moves b___________ content and it creates thousands of b___________ in the aeration basins

11)Basically, in this stage, the process let the b__________ eats the organic food

12) During the aerobic digestion process, bubbles inject o__________ into the water and this breaks down the o____________ matters

13)Step 5: Secondary Clarifiers: this is the final removal of s________ and b__________ matters. It also involves d_______________ where 85% of the organic matters are removed

14)Disinfections: there are _______ ways to disinfect the waste water. Adding C_________, O________ or UV radiation. 

15)Adding C_________ kills the bacteria and they are removed before discharging to the ____________

16)Pumping O__________ into the waste water will kill off the bacteria

17)17) Injecting UV radiation into waste water scramble the bacteria _________ so they cannot m______________

18)Effluent release: pumps treated water back into the ___________ and ___________



20) There are two types of water treatment plants, treating d_____________ and w_________________

21) Turing dirty water or well water to safe drinking water is important to everyone, and it involves 4 steps

22) Step 1: C____________________ and F___________________ get water from l_________, w_________, r_____________ and s__________

23) The water from these places contains o______________ materials and s____________ (s_________, b_________, w________) and must be removed first

24) Chemical coagulate is added the water to gel the s____________ together so they become larger clumps

25) Flocculation basins involve s_________ and  mixing of materials to form floc particles

26) Step 2: Sedimentation basins allow the f_________ to settle out and sink to the b__________. The sludge is then collected and ship to the l_____________

27) After sedimentation, we have c__________ w________ at the top

28) In the flotation tanks, a______ is pumped to the bottom of tank so b____________ carry f_______ particles to the top

29) Step 3: Filtration,   even water looks clean, it may still carry b________ ad very s___________ sediments (clay, silt)

30) S___________ filters can be used in two way to remove those particles. More commonly, water enters from the bottom and exit through the top or vice vera.

31) Sand filters are highly e_______________

32) The acceptable clarity of water is less than ________ NTU (how many particles in water)

33) Activated carbon basins improve the t_________ and o_______ of water

34) Step 4: Disinfection. They may add c__________, o__________ or UV r__________ to kill microorganisms in the water

35) In the USA, it is most common to add c_________ to disinfect

36) UV radiation scrambles the DNA of bacteria so they cannot reproduce but this method does not last l__________

37) After disinfection, the water is ready to be prepared to send to the local water pipes

38) When pumping water to the local communities, w_________ p__________ must be maintained to prevent c_________________ from outside

39) The function of a water tower is to s___________ water and to maintain f____________ of water to all households in the area.

Thursday 25 November 2021

Sangster Math Nov 25

 Calculate how much interest you have to pay for a $500000 mortgage after 25 years. Check the screen shots below

Wow, you will have to pay $485180.41 of interest after 25 years.

November 25, 2021


- read the rest of Chapter 10, Phantom, I stopped reading on p.116

- complete both side of the cross multiplication sheets

- geography: read and watch this articles, give me 10 points about the recent flood in BC



a graphic showing la Nina weather pattern over nation

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Maple Syrup Video and worksheets

 Watch this video and record the missing information




1. The Sugar Maple Trees scale are r__________ly located in the tree trunk.


2. The buds of Red Maple Trees are located near the t__________.


3. The owner, Mr. Lepak used to drill 450 holes with his __________________. Nowadays, he uses e______________ drills.


4. Tapping involves drilling of t_________ holes on each Sugar Maple Tree.


5. The plastic tube is attached to the f___________ hole, which is located on t_______  of the next one.  This plastic tube directs sap to the p__________


6. The metal spile is placed b_________ the plastic tube.  It holds the metal pail to collect the sap.


7. Sap is ___________ in colour, and it flows like w_____________


8. On the first day of his collection, Mr. Lepak collected __________ galloons of sap.  It was a great day!

[Kwok’s note: if we have a very cold and dry fall and winter, less sap will be produced by the trees]


9. Sap is then heat up and filter.  The filter removes d________, d_________ and i_________


10. It is easier to filter the sap later on if we s___________ off the brown f__________


11. If the sap is not heat up to a fairly high temperature, bacteria will grow and it will turn the syrup into v______________.  We must also maintain the heat by adding w___________ to the stove.


12. Which country did Mr. Lepak’s grandfather come from? ________________


13. The older spiles are made from c_______________.  The modern day ones are made from a_______________


14. How many hours are needed to boil the sap so it turns into a good syrup? ______


15. “Sheeting” of syrup refers to _________________________________________________________


16. Hydrometer measures the d_____________ of the syrup when the white scale bounces up the cylinder.


17. When the syrup is poured out of the stove, it flows easily like water because it is ___________


18. When the syrup cools, it will t______________


19. What is the colour of the syrup? ______________


20. Mr. Lepak does not sell his syrup.  What does he do it them?

            a. pour syrup on everything and eat syrup everyday

            b. use syrup to water his plants in the garden

            c. donate the syrup to McDonalds so kids can enjoy their pancakes

            d. he gives them away to good friends, neighbours and mini Kwok


21. The syrup you get from restaurants are most likely to be sugar and water.  They are not the real maple syrup.  The real thing is really expensive, about $20 per 500mL

November 24, 2021



- Math: finish both side of Cross Multiplication. Determine how much money Mr. Morris wasted on cigarettes 

- after watching videos, complete maple syrup worksheets (see next blog)

- complete beginning of the year forms and send them to Ms. lee

- Basketball Club will start on January 5 at 8am. 7A, 7B, and 7C together to train for two Wednesday morning

Desalination Lesson for Kids | Study.com

Tuesday 23 November 2021

November 23, 2021

 - Read Chapter 9 of Phantom Tollbooth

- complete Santa/grandparents/friends/cousin letter

- set up tabs for address and postal code

- must use at least 3 "IT" statements - see examples below

- must include the six points from yesterday (in the last 18 months, what have you done to help parents; what have you done to been a good virtual student; what have you done to help other people/friends?

Dear Santa,

It has been a dreadful 18 months during the pandemic. However, it is getting better because many Canadians receive their Pfizer vaccines and slowly, things are improving.

  • You will need at least 3 “IT” statements

  • It is important, It is essential, It is crucial, it is necessary. . .

  • Or Every week, I help my parents to prepare dinner and fold the laundry

  • Learn to start a sentence with an adverb

  • E.g. Excitedly, many students are happy to see each other every morning before school

Monday 22 November 2021

November 22, 2021


- go home and spend 3 hours watching Youtube or

spend an hour studying for your financial literacy test. Bring highlighter and calculator

- Dear Santa/Friend/Gandparents,

in the last 18 months during the pandemic, 

(2 points) how did you help your grandparents/ parents

(2 points) what have you done to be a good student

(2 point)what have you done to help other people? friends?

(1 points) By the way, all I want for the Winter Holiday is for all the Canadian troops to come home and spend time with their families. 

My students may want a dozen donuts for Christmas

Thursday 18 November 2021

Health test 2, for those who want to improve

 Do it on Friday


Library homework Citation

 Find three books, one magazine and one newspaper and complete five citations following the steps below.

Blue box, citation
Select Noodle Tools
Pick three books and find the information (author, illustrator, publishing year, city etc)

Click save after all the information has been typed

Then, copy and paste the information into a Doc. I will check that on Monday

November 18, 2021


- if you want to improve the health Test mark, use personal email (or parent's email) and redo the test the weekend. I will average the two scores. (Hwever, if you are happy with the first score, you do not have to do the test twice)

- look at the handouts from the Financial Literacy notes. Do the pre-test. This will happen on Tuesday Nov 23. There will be questions for you to write formula in Google Sheets

- Read one chapter of Phantom Toothbooth each day (total of 3 chapters, till the end of Chapter 8)

_ I will post library citation work tomorrow

Health Test: Healthy Eating NOv 18.2022


Wednesday 17 November 2021

Sangster's virtual math class, Nov 17

 Simple interest calculations


Calculate how much interest you will earn if $5000 is in the saving account for a year. The interest rate is 2% per year


Step 1: convert interest rate from % to decimal (divide % by 100)

2¸ 100 = 0.02 (interest rate)


Step 2: multiply amount by interest rate by your deposit to determine how much interest is earned after a year

5000 (saving) x 0.02 (interest rate) = $100 (interest you earn after putting the money in a saving account for one year)


Step 3: add the principal (the initial amount) with the interest earned to get the total

- add the initial saving and the earned interest together

5000 + 100 = $5100 (in the saving account after one year)



Example 2: $550, interest rate is at 1.5%


Step 1: convert interest rate from % to decimal (divide % by 100)

1.5 ¸ 100 = 0.015


Step 2: multiply amount by interest rate by your deposit to determine how much interest is earned after a year

550 x 0.015 = 8.25


Step 3: add earned interest with saving (principal)

550 + 8.25 = 558.25

Summary: Interest rate is very low, and we earn close to nothing from our saving accounts. Therefore, we need to find other ways to grow our money.

Activity 2: Calculate how much interest will be earned every year for the following cases

a. $1000 at 1% per year                                  b. $1234 at 1% per year

¸ 100 = 0.01                                                 1 ¸ 100 = 0.01

1000 x 0.01 = 10                                             1234 x 0.01 = 12.34

1000 + 10 = 1010                                            1234 + 12.34 = 1246.34



c. $1000 at 5.5% per year                               d. $3210 at 5.75% per year

5.5 ¸ 100 = 0.055                                            5.75¸ 100 = 0.0575

1000 x 0.055 = 55                                           3210 x 0.0575 = 184.57

1000 + 55 = 1055                                            3210 + 184.57 = 3394.57




e. $1000 at 7.5% per year                               f. $1660 at 18.88% per year

7.5 ¸ 100 = 0.075                                            18.88¸ 100 = 0.1888

1000 x 0.075 = 75                                           1660 x 0.1888 = 313.41

1000 + 75 = 1075                                            1660 + 313.41 = 1973.41





g. $2500 at 18.88% for five years                   h. $3000 at 19.75% for four years

18.88 ¸ 100 = 0.1888

2500 x 0.1888 = 472 (interest for 5 years)

472 ¸ 5 =94.40 (interest earned in one year)                                    

2500 + 94.40 = 2594.40 (in bank account after one year)

November 17, 2021


- please share progress report with parents. Ask them to sign envelope and return to Kwok tomorrow

- Write the 3 goals on second page, go through the three goals with parents (practical, measurable, realistic)

- if your parents want to see me, please arrange an interview online. I am available on Thursday evening and Friday (telephone interviews only)


- health test tomorrow. Review the pre-test that is given to you today

- Math - cereal and drinks nutrient search

Health Pre-test

Perfect Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad Recipe - Boulder Locavore®

1)    Grilled chicken Cesar salad. What food group is missing in this meal. (carbohydrates)


1a) If this meal is ordered in a restaurant, what else should be ordered for the missing food group? (bread, pasta, garlic toast)


2)    BMI = 34, what does it mean? (obese)


3)    If Kwok consumes 1200 calories per day for the next ten years, what will happen to him? (under weight, very slim and frail) 


4)    According to the Canada Food Guide, what is the right % of 25% protein


25% carbohydrate50% fruits/vegetables and (flexible) dairy?


5)    Before a hockey game, most players eat what for dinner? pasta


6)    What is diabetes? (unable to digest and absorb sugar, so it is peed out)


What does it do to your health? (affect small blood vessels: toes, eyes)


7)    Juanita likes McDonalds’s Happy Meal. What’s wrong with that? (2 pancakes, 1 hash brown, juice, toy, yogurt or apple slices) – not a balanced meal, need fruits, protein, too much sugar pour syrup on pancakes


8)    During puberty, your appetite spikes (you eat more). What kind of food should you eat during puberty to make sure you grow properly? (milk, protein, less carbohydraes, fruits/veg


9)    Pop is bad. What are the alternatives? Give three examples (milk, water, juice)

Braised pork belly with soy & star anise

10) What’s wrong with this dish? (90% fattoo much sauce)


11) Too much salt/ sodium causes what disease? High blood pressure or hypertension


12) If all the tasty food are bad for us (cheesecake, fries, BBQ chicken, steaks), is that right that we should never eat them and become vegetarians?  Don’t avoid them, eat once in a while


13) How much calories in an order of large poutine? 1200 cal


14) Most Asian diets have too much _______________ (carbohydrates)


15) What are refined carbohydrates? (white bread, pasta, all minerals and vitamins are removed)
