Monday 29 November 2021

November 29, 2021

 - It will be cold tomorrow. Bring a mug to warm you up after lunch

- Math: cross multiplication and ratio, both sides

- Read the rest of Phantom Tollbooth, p. 138 to 143

Watch Disney's World of Colour

Geography note

  • Ocean crust (10km thick)  is pushed below the continents (45km to 60km)along the west side of North/South America

  • Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common along those areas

  • Ring of Fire: cracks on ocean floor around Asia, N/S America, northern Oceania (submarine volcanoes ---> submarine quakes ----> tsunami)

  • Natural disasters#2: forest fire (every summer in California, Alberta)

  • Town of Paradise in California, not more tree roots to hold the soil in place

  • During rain storms, the soil is washed away

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