Wednesday 17 November 2021

November 17, 2021


- please share progress report with parents. Ask them to sign envelope and return to Kwok tomorrow

- Write the 3 goals on second page, go through the three goals with parents (practical, measurable, realistic)

- if your parents want to see me, please arrange an interview online. I am available on Thursday evening and Friday (telephone interviews only)

- health test tomorrow. Review the pre-test that is given to you today

- Math - cereal and drinks nutrient search

Health Pre-test

Perfect Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad Recipe - Boulder Locavore®

1)    Grilled chicken Cesar salad. What food group is missing in this meal. (carbohydrates)


1a) If this meal is ordered in a restaurant, what else should be ordered for the missing food group? (bread, pasta, garlic toast)


2)    BMI = 34, what does it mean? (obese)


3)    If Kwok consumes 1200 calories per day for the next ten years, what will happen to him? (under weight, very slim and frail) 


4)    According to the Canada Food Guide, what is the right % of 25% protein


25% carbohydrate50% fruits/vegetables and (flexible) dairy?


5)    Before a hockey game, most players eat what for dinner? pasta


6)    What is diabetes? (unable to digest and absorb sugar, so it is peed out)


What does it do to your health? (affect small blood vessels: toes, eyes)


7)    Juanita likes McDonalds’s Happy Meal. What’s wrong with that? (2 pancakes, 1 hash brown, juice, toy, yogurt or apple slices) – not a balanced meal, need fruits, protein, too much sugar pour syrup on pancakes


8)    During puberty, your appetite spikes (you eat more). What kind of food should you eat during puberty to make sure you grow properly? (milk, protein, less carbohydraes, fruits/veg


9)    Pop is bad. What are the alternatives? Give three examples (milk, water, juice)

Braised pork belly with soy & star anise

10) What’s wrong with this dish? (90% fattoo much sauce)


11) Too much salt/ sodium causes what disease? High blood pressure or hypertension


12) If all the tasty food are bad for us (cheesecake, fries, BBQ chicken, steaks), is that right that we should never eat them and become vegetarians?  Don’t avoid them, eat once in a while


13) How much calories in an order of large poutine? 1200 cal


14) Most Asian diets have too much _______________ (carbohydrates)


15) What are refined carbohydrates? (white bread, pasta, all minerals and vitamins are removed)


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