Wednesday 24 November 2021

Maple Syrup Video and worksheets

 Watch this video and record the missing information


1. The Sugar Maple Trees scale are r__________ly located in the tree trunk.


2. The buds of Red Maple Trees are located near the t__________.


3. The owner, Mr. Lepak used to drill 450 holes with his __________________. Nowadays, he uses e______________ drills.


4. Tapping involves drilling of t_________ holes on each Sugar Maple Tree.


5. The plastic tube is attached to the f___________ hole, which is located on t_______  of the next one.  This plastic tube directs sap to the p__________


6. The metal spile is placed b_________ the plastic tube.  It holds the metal pail to collect the sap.


7. Sap is ___________ in colour, and it flows like w_____________


8. On the first day of his collection, Mr. Lepak collected __________ galloons of sap.  It was a great day!

[Kwok’s note: if we have a very cold and dry fall and winter, less sap will be produced by the trees]


9. Sap is then heat up and filter.  The filter removes d________, d_________ and i_________


10. It is easier to filter the sap later on if we s___________ off the brown f__________


11. If the sap is not heat up to a fairly high temperature, bacteria will grow and it will turn the syrup into v______________.  We must also maintain the heat by adding w___________ to the stove.


12. Which country did Mr. Lepak’s grandfather come from? ________________


13. The older spiles are made from c_______________.  The modern day ones are made from a_______________


14. How many hours are needed to boil the sap so it turns into a good syrup? ______


15. “Sheeting” of syrup refers to _________________________________________________________


16. Hydrometer measures the d_____________ of the syrup when the white scale bounces up the cylinder.


17. When the syrup is poured out of the stove, it flows easily like water because it is ___________


18. When the syrup cools, it will t______________


19. What is the colour of the syrup? ______________


20. Mr. Lepak does not sell his syrup.  What does he do it them?

            a. pour syrup on everything and eat syrup everyday

            b. use syrup to water his plants in the garden

            c. donate the syrup to McDonalds so kids can enjoy their pancakes

            d. he gives them away to good friends, neighbours and mini Kwok


21. The syrup you get from restaurants are most likely to be sugar and water.  They are not the real maple syrup.  The real thing is really expensive, about $20 per 500mL

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