Friday 28 February 2020

February 28, 2020

- please return Geography textbook to Kwok on Monday
- Algebra sheet: the 19 questions on page 3 and page 4.  They build on the questions from yesterday
- book report due in two weeks.  Spend some time to work on it please

Thursday 27 February 2020

Please reas

February 27, 2020

8A Media
- Powerpoint or Google Slide project due March 5.
- max 10 slides:  What do I see myself doing in 5 years?
- want to get a good mark?  Please include text, different wallpaper for each slide, audio, video, a variety of transition

- Playground A/B essay due on Friday Feb 28.  Book report due before March break
- All About Me multimedia presentation due before March break
 want to get a good mark for Google Slide?  Please include text, different wallpaper for each slide, audio, video, a variety of transition
Key categories: Family, friends, personality, food, achievements

- Algebra: writing equations.  Please do this tonight, as the lesson tomorrow will be based on what is learned today.  Thanks

- take photo of your achievements: trophy, medals, money, gold bars, a meeting with Obama etc

- please return Geography textbook tomorrow or next week. If you lose the book, please bring a cheque, payable to Cummer Valley, for $65

Wednesday 26 February 2020

February 26, 2020

- find Carbon Monoxide sectors in your house

- Playground A/B essay due on Friday Feb 28.  Book report due before March break

- Algebra sheet

- sign math test

- Grocery shopping: look at the online flyers from one supermarket, and spend as close to $100 as possible
- look the items that are on sale; do a balanced diet (meat, vegetable, fruits, pasta, milk products)
- record all the items on a Google sheet (Item, Size, Price, Total of your bill - write a formula)

Tuesday 25 February 2020

February 25, 2020

Playground A/B essay is die this Friday Feb 28!

Google Slide Project (due before March break)
- upload a few photos to Google drive so you can use them tomorrow in class
- 10 slides
- All about me
- Your family, friends, personality, hobbies, food and others
- Your dream: what do you see yourself doing in 10 years
- large text, background wallpaper, music, video, photos, transition
- A+: automated slide presentation

Math: Algebra sheet, the basics

Monday 24 February 2020

February 24, 2020

- compose ten "It" statements in Doc.  Make sure there is a conjunction to explain you point
It is important to exercise regularly so we can be physically fit.

It is necessary to review our work daily since we cannot learn everything the night before a test.

It is essential to eat a nutritious breakfast every morning because we cannot pay attention when we are hungry

Until we are dressed appropriately during the winter months, it is likely we will be sick.

- revise Genius Pop essay: see examples in class and they are listed in the blog from yesterday

Sunday 23 February 2020

Genius Pop Essay

Revise this lousy essay
1) get rid of “I think”, don’t start off a sentence with a personal pronoun {try: adverb, It, conjunction]
2) no periods in the second paragraph
3) use fewer ‘and’ (replace and with other conjunction)
4) singular and plural nouns (e.g. mouses/mice)
5) ant’s, spider’s [incorrect]
6) add adverbs and adjectives in essay

Should pop be sold at schools

I think pop should not be sold at schools because it is unhealthy and can cause diseases.

I think pop is very bad it cost too much and makes students very hyper in class that make teaching difficult and pop can cause diabetes and cavities and there will be mouses ants’ spider's and other insect's in the school because it is sweet it is very sticky and very hard to clean up and students can cut themselves with the container and the container is harmful to the environment and the mouses and the insect's attracted to this pop can carry harmful disease's into the school and students and teachers may get this harmful disease and they can give that disease to their family’s.

I think you're least concern should be the cavities that the pop will give you.

I think the biggest concern should be the mouses the diseases and the insects.

So I think we should not be selling pop in schools .


Thursday 20 February 2020

February 20, 2020

- Google slide due March 5.  To be uploaded to
- want a good mark?  Please include text, different wallpaper, photos, music, videos
- you have to assume that the presentation is done in front of 100 people

- try to do a drill sheet with negative integers with Sheet
- change the formula so that you are working with larger numbers (e.g. –13 – 8)
- print out a few drill sheets. Do a 5min drill everyday.  Plot the results
- positive/ negative integer test Monday (adding, subtracting, temperature, elevator and money problems, balancing cheque books
- book report
- PEE essay

Wednesday 19 February 2020

February 19, 2020

- Kwok will collect science notebook tomorrow
- math: 2 step negative integer questions.  Should be easier than yesterday work
- work on book report.  Due before March break (Friday March 13)
- return Underground to Canada back to me tomorrow

Two step negative integer operations

BEDMAS  ×   ÷
Example: 11 + 7 ×(-3)
Step 1: do the multiplication, 7 ×(3)
Step 2: is the answer in Step 1 positive or negative? (+ and – is negative)
Step 3: then the equation becomes 11 + (– 21)
Step 4: 11 – 21 = –10

13 + 42 ÷ (–6)

12 – (–75) ÷ 25

22  – (–3) × 9

 (–18) ÷ (–2) + 17

37 – (–11) × (–2)

(–4) – 57 ÷ (–3)

 (–17) – 2 × (–5)

 (–80) ÷ 16 + (–3)2

 (–17) × 3 + (2 × 5)

74  – (–3) × 23

 (–88) ÷ (–2) + 12

(–71) + 13 × (­­–5)

 (­­–65) ÷ 5 + 19

88 (–2) × 5

Tuesday 18 February 2020

February 18, 2020

- PEE essay, Playground A or Playground B
- write down twelve advantages or disadvantages for each playground

BEDMAS      ×   ÷
(–11) + 27 – 52 × 2 + 39 ÷ 3 – (–5) + 13 + (–2)3

(–11) + 27 – 52 × 2 + 39 ÷ 3 – (–5) + 13 + (-8)

(–11) + 27 – 52 × 2 + 13 – (–5) + 13 + (-8)

= (–11) + 27 – 104 + 13 – (–5) + 13 + (-8) [only have addition and subtraction left]
(–11) + 27 – 104 + 13 + 5 + 13 – 8 [left to right]

16 – 104 + 13 + 5 + 13 – 8

–88 + 13 + 5 + 13 – 8

–75 + 5 + 13 – 8

–70 + 13 – 8

= –57 –8
– 65

(–3)3 + 30 ÷ (–6) + 12 + 22 – 13 + 15 + (–5)2



(–34) × (–17) – 19 + 8 + 32 – (–4)3 + 13 × (–2)



22  – (–3)3 + 8 × 9 – 72 + (–18) ÷ 2

÷       ×
(–41) + 13 – (­­–15) ÷ 21 + 19 – (–5)2 + 44 × (–2)3

= –378.5


(–3)3 + 199 – (–19) × 21 + (–3)2 × 22 + 26 ÷ (–13)

= 46


(–4)2 + (–17) – 72 + 2 × 5 – (–2)5 ÷ 16 + (–3)2

= –29


54  – (–3)2 × 23 + (–19) – 21 + (–88) ÷ (–2)2
= –102

Thursday 13 February 2020

February 13, 2020

- PA day tomorrow.  Interviews with Kwok
- Valentine's Day tomorrow.  Be nice to your parents.  Make them breakfast and coffee.  Bacon and eggs will be great.  Just don't burn down your kitchen
- Math: negative integer, balancing cheque books and operations (2 sheets)
- book report due in the first week of March

Science: Hot air balloon around the world
- find the person who successfully flew solo on an hot air balloon 
- when did he do it (year)
- how long did it take him
- the route he took (get a map]
- what’s inside his cabin
- what happened to him after this adventure

(–11) + 27 – 15 + 38 + 9 – (–5) + 13 + (–2)

(–11) + 27 – 15 + 38 + 9 +5 + 13 – 2
[left to right]
16 – 15 + 38 + 9 +5 + 13 – 2
1+ 38 + 9 +5 + 13 – 2
39 + 9 +5 + 13 – 2
48 +5 + 13 – 2
53 + 13 – 2
= 66 – 2


(–18) + 31 – (–17) + 12 + 9 – 13 + 15 + (–5)



(–34) + (–27) – 19 + 8 + 12 – (–11) + 13 + (–6)



22  – (–33) + 41 + 9 – 7 + (–18) + 10

(–41) + 13 – (­­–15) + 17 + 19 – (–25) + 44 + (–8)



(–32) + 11 – (–19) + 21 + (–9) – 20 + 26 + (–9)



(–20) + (–17) – 49 + 12 + 51 – (–31) + 19 + (–8)



54  – (–17) + 26 + (–19) – 21 + (–38) + (–16)

Monday 10 February 2020

February 10, 2020

- want to meet the Kwok, please sign up for interviews tonight (after 7pm) to see me on
Friday Feb 14.

- I start interviews from 8:30am till 3pm, 15mins per session
- sign math test and book report

- Underground to Canada, Chapter 13 and 14 worksheets
- Work on book report, I need to see the work that you do for the next two days.  Show me the work on Thursday

- Positive and negative integers problem solving questions, both side.  Learn to balance your chequebook for the second page

Answers for Math, page 1
a) +1
b) + 6
c) +3 (basement garage = -1)
d) +5 ( second basement garage = -2)
e) +2
f) -3
g) -13
h) -19
i) -12 (freezing is 0°C)
j) -3 (Danny)
j) -24 (Shahriar)
j) +1 (Ava)
j) -8 (Kitty)

Wednesday 5 February 2020

February 5, 2020

- work on book report.  Format and questions are listed near the bottom of this blog
- Underground to Canada: complete the questions for chapter 13 and 14
- ask parents to sign up for interviews on Feb 14 if they want to see Kwok (about academic progress, high school programs, what is good program for my child etc).  Sign up start on Monday Feb 10
- finish writing the PEE essay "Should pop be sold at schools?"  Underline all conjunctions
- Virtual Library: watch Hana's Suitcase video

Grade Seven Book Report: A nominee from Red Maple                                                       
(due Saturday February 29, 2020).  I officially become a teenager!

A. Design a title page for this book report. (5)

B. What is the title of your book and who is the author? (2)

C. Use the personality list and describe the two main characters.
Give examples and explain why the main characters behave that way.
Use at least five personality words to describe each character. (5)

e.g. Mr. Giorgi is a hard-working principal who arrives at school
every morning by 8 a.m.

Mrs. Gaston is a very organized and responsible secretary because she
knows where all the files are in the office.

D. Tell if you would like to be the main character’s friend.  Be sure
to explain your reasons. (3)

E. Who are the minor characters? (2)

F. Describe the settings of the story. (3)

G. Write a one-page summary of the novel.  Focus on the problems and
the resolutions at the end of the story.  (8)

H. If you have a chance to meet the author, what will you ask him/her?  (2)

I. Will you recommend this book to a friend?  Explain your reasons. (3)

J. Find five new words in the story.  Please include the page numbers
where the words can be found.  Use a dictionary and find the meaning
of those words.  Make up your own sentences with the words. (10)

e.g. Soothingly p. 2
Meaning: to make you feel better, more relax.
My own sentence: At leisure, she plays the piano soothingly.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Don't Joke about this

February 4, 2020

- Math test tomorrow (Geometry, nets, isometric, top/front/side views, construction cost, volume, surface area).  The test will be two periods long
- study, bring blocks, pencils and rulers to school
- continue to read chapter 13 of Underground to Canada
- work on book report

8A Media, Google Slides

3D Geometry questions

Monday 3 February 2020

February 3, 2020

- Parent- Teacher interviews (Friday Feb 14, from 8:45am till 3pm)
- registration starts on Monday Feb 10 at 6pm

- Math test Wed. Study (3D geometry, net, isometric, top/front/side views, volume, surface area)
- sign science test
- Math: Michael is stuffing Jello in his bath tub? Cedar is stuffing peanut butter in her toilet. . .
- brainstorm at least 8 ideas for the new PEE essay (Should pop be sold at schools?)
- use conjunctions to explain, give examples
- learn to use less personal pronouns, ask questions
- start a sentence with adverbs or conjunctions

e.g. Since exercise is very important to our health, it is important to participate in some outdoor activities each day.  Therefore DPA must be a mandatory exercise for all students in each school.

Example of the pop essay

Soft Drinks should not be allowed in schools and could easily be replaced by healthier drinks. Soft drinks are extremely sugary and fattening. Many young children suffer obesity because of the sugary, addictive drink.  Furthermore, children who aren’t allowed to drink pop can simply buy them from school. Kids could bring fruit juice instead since they have a serving of fruit and vegetables, they provide nutrition, and they’re far less sugary than soft drinks. Unlike unhealthy pop, juice does not cause hyperactivity n interfere with a child’s learning. Pure, refreshing water and milk are also fantastic alternatives to soft drinks since they have many health benefits. It is possible to replace harmful pop with healthy alternatives so that less youthful children will become obese and they can focus in class.

      Pop is only for special occasions. If students drink it everyday at lunch, they won’t eat their lunches since they would be very full. And afterwards, the excited, hyper kids would suddenly become drowsy and tired. Moreover, students might not be able to exercise if the enormous amount of soda they mindlessly consume everyday gives the kids painful stomach aches or cramps. Of course, students need to make good decisions about what they should eat or drink, but how come so many young children become overweight because of it? Most parents don’t agree with their children becoming overweight and drinking pop every single day.