Wednesday 19 February 2020

Two step negative integer operations

BEDMAS  ×   ÷
Example: 11 + 7 ×(-3)
Step 1: do the multiplication, 7 ×(3)
Step 2: is the answer in Step 1 positive or negative? (+ and – is negative)
Step 3: then the equation becomes 11 + (– 21)
Step 4: 11 – 21 = –10

13 + 42 ÷ (–6)

12 – (–75) ÷ 25

22  – (–3) × 9

 (–18) ÷ (–2) + 17

37 – (–11) × (–2)

(–4) – 57 ÷ (–3)

 (–17) – 2 × (–5)

 (–80) ÷ 16 + (–3)2

 (–17) × 3 + (2 × 5)

74  – (–3) × 23

 (–88) ÷ (–2) + 12

(–71) + 13 × (­­–5)

 (­­–65) ÷ 5 + 19

88 (–2) × 5

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