Wednesday 5 February 2020

February 5, 2020

- work on book report.  Format and questions are listed near the bottom of this blog
- Underground to Canada: complete the questions for chapter 13 and 14
- ask parents to sign up for interviews on Feb 14 if they want to see Kwok (about academic progress, high school programs, what is good program for my child etc).  Sign up start on Monday Feb 10
- finish writing the PEE essay "Should pop be sold at schools?"  Underline all conjunctions
- Virtual Library: watch Hana's Suitcase video

Grade Seven Book Report: A nominee from Red Maple                                                       
(due Saturday February 29, 2020).  I officially become a teenager!

A. Design a title page for this book report. (5)

B. What is the title of your book and who is the author? (2)

C. Use the personality list and describe the two main characters.
Give examples and explain why the main characters behave that way.
Use at least five personality words to describe each character. (5)

e.g. Mr. Giorgi is a hard-working principal who arrives at school
every morning by 8 a.m.

Mrs. Gaston is a very organized and responsible secretary because she
knows where all the files are in the office.

D. Tell if you would like to be the main character’s friend.  Be sure
to explain your reasons. (3)

E. Who are the minor characters? (2)

F. Describe the settings of the story. (3)

G. Write a one-page summary of the novel.  Focus on the problems and
the resolutions at the end of the story.  (8)

H. If you have a chance to meet the author, what will you ask him/her?  (2)

I. Will you recommend this book to a friend?  Explain your reasons. (3)

J. Find five new words in the story.  Please include the page numbers
where the words can be found.  Use a dictionary and find the meaning
of those words.  Make up your own sentences with the words. (10)

e.g. Soothingly p. 2
Meaning: to make you feel better, more relax.
My own sentence: At leisure, she plays the piano soothingly.


  1. you never gave us the sheet for chapter 13 and 14

  2. Can you post the chapter questions for 13 & 14?
