Thursday 28 November 2019

November 28, 2019

- study for media literacy test tomorrow, esp all the highlighted information
- study for science test (next Wednesday, Dec 4)
- spend 30 mins on book report
- bring can food and/or textile (used clothing) to school for the less fortunate
- update atmospheric pressure data tonight (time, reading weather)

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Revise homonym story

Copy this story into a Google Doc and revise it.

Please correct all the homonyms in this story

Won day, I went too the mall.  My mom alouded me to bye a T shirt because there was a sail.  I bought by deer mother a gift and I bought one for me two. Their were very nice gifts and I wanted to bring them hear.  I new where the knew department stores were. It was so cold that my hare froze after spending 20 minutes outside.

At lunch time, I was hungry.  So I eight a hot dog and some flies for lunch.  My deer mom tried to play the cashier with her VISA card, but they would not except it.  We had to play cash. Then we entered a draw. We put hour names into a big steal box so we could wind a gigantic teddy bare!

They’re were so many people in the moore on Saturday.  Nancy and I walked around for three ours and we saw our school principle.  We bought a few gifts and we rapped them with colourful paper. In two weaks time, we would be able to sea hour Christmas presents.  I think my dad will give my mom some flours since she really likes roses. My class will right to Santa Clause and tell him when he should bee in hour house on Christmas Eve.  We should also remind Santa to bring all his dears to hour house. Their will bee cookies and treats for everyone in hour house. [next page]

I am sure we will have a lot of fund during the holidays.  My cousins will take us to a fare in chili Quebec and we will get some blew balloons that the locals cell.  

Homonyms Exercise

This _________ truck ran over my big  _________ last night. (toe, tow)

I am trying to get a  _________ from this bank to help my  _________ly  brother. (lone, loan)

 _________ of the following statements are true? (witch, which)

Susan had not received any  _________ in the last three weeks. (male, mail)

Last  _________, the  _________ with his heavy armour rushed through the door and rescued the princess. (knight, night)

I am going to take the  _________ when I go up to the CN tower. (stare, stair)

This old man is really  _________ because he has a flu. (weak, week)

 _________ going to see the white tigers in the zoo. (There, their, they’re)

Frank is trying to cut this _________ of paper in half. (peace, piece)

I am trying  _________ go  _________ my grandparent’s house by  _________ o’clock (too, two, to)

The wind  _________ down this gigantic tree last night. (blew, blue)

 _________ evening, Sam went to the CNE and  _________  a toy car. (won, one)

“Don’t walk on the grass with your  _________ foot!  Someone just saw a snake in the grass.” (bear, bare)

Taking things away from someone without permission is the same as  _________ ing (steel, steal)

__________ going to have __________house renovated and _________ will be plenty of storage space after the job is done. (there, their, they’re)

The _________  stares at the dog that has long ________ (hair, hare)

The stranger walked up the ________  __________ing at the poor dog. (stare, stairs)

“It is not _________ to pay that much for the TTC _________!”  Farah exclaimed! (fair, fare).  She only _________ed $6 an hour and she had to buy an _______ for her teacher  (urn, earn).  In addition, Farah had to prepare a ________ dinner for all her _________cular friends tonight. (muscle, mussel) 

November 27, 2019

- Media Cyber Bullying test on Friday Nov 29.  Learn and study the highlighted information
- Math measurement pre-test sheet.  Try to do it by yourself
- LA- edit homonym story.  It is really bad.  Change it so the story makes sense
- make up your own sentences with the new homonyms (list 21 to 28).  Each sentence must have at least 8 words and an adverb

Geography: complete this chart for the next ten days.  Record the atmospheric pressure, and weather and send that to Kwok on December 6, 2019

Tuesday 26 November 2019

November 26, 2019

7A, 7C, 7F Science test on December 4.  Study please. (see yesterday blog for what is included in test)

7C: Homonyms: list 10 to 20
- make up sentences with these homonyms.  Each sentence must have at least 8 words, and an adverb
e.g. Unfortunately, the tow truck ran over my big toe yesterday

Math: Similar and congruent triangles. Draw two triangles for each question and determine if they are congruent or similar shapes. The measurements are given to you

a) AAA (60°- 60°- 60°, use 4cm in first one, and 6cm in second)
b) ASS (Angle, Side, Side) (45°, 6cm, measure the third length)
c) SSS (Side, Side, Side) (3cm, 4cm, 5cm): both triangles must have these length
d) SSA (Side, Side, Angle) (6cm, 7cm, 30°)
e) AAS (Angle, Angle, Side) (45°, 30°, 8cm)
f) ASA (Angle, Side, Angle) (45°, 8cm, 30°)

Homonym list and examples

Monday 25 November 2019

November 25, 2019

7A, 7C, 7F: Science Test on Wednesday December 4 (Day 4)
- starting maple syrup to pH, acid/base, fungi, solvent/solute, M&M experiment, experiment components, till the day before
- True or False questions

- draw regular pentagon (4cm, 108°), regular hexagon (4cm, 120°), regular Heptagon (4cm, 128.5°), regular pentagon (4cm, 135°)
- must use sharp pencil, ruler and protractor to draw.  Label each side and angle

- make up 12 sentences with the homonyms introduced in the class.  Each sentence must have at least 8 words, with an adverb\

There-they're-their [e.g. Suddenly, their turtle over there disappeared while they're shopping in a mall]
whine-wine [e.g. The grumpy old man whined loudly because he did not get his wine during dinner]

Friday 22 November 2019

November 22, 2019

- study science test
- work on book report
- study Cyber Bullying test: next Friday Nov 29, True/False questions only
- draw 2D geometric shapes in Doc (square, rectangles, rhombus, parallelogram, pentagon, hexagon, octagon) and determine how many triangles can be drawn inside.
- then calculate the sum of internal angles for each shape

Triangle (sum of internal angles, 180°)
Quadrilateral (six, sum of internal angles, 360°)

- project the sum of internal angles for a 20-sided figure
- please charge your laptop every night.  Four laptops run out of juice this afternoon

Thursday 21 November 2019

Cyberbullying articles

Copy and Paste this into Google Doc so the key points can be highlighted (from

How Kids Cyberbully 
Verbal or emotional abuse is the most prevalent form of bullying online. Social bullying, another pervasive form – particularly with girls – includes social exclusion and spreading gossip and rumours.
Making public content that was meant to be private – such as photos or videos – is another frequent bullying activity, and is particularly common in the context of relationships. Finally, bullying may take the form of impersonation or spoofing, in which the perpetrator actually represents him or herself as the target. These forms of psychological bullying can be even more devastating when conducted through digital media.
Not surprisingly, social networks – particularly Facebook – are where youth report being bullied most often. Texting and instant messaging services are second, with YouTube well behind in third place. [1] Built-in digital cameras in cell phones are adding a new dimension to the problem. In one case students used a camera-enabled cell phone to take a photo of an overweight classmate in the shower after gym. The picture was distributed throughout the school email list within minutes. The emerging trend of sexting also exposes teenagers to cyberbullying: personal messages and photographs, even those sent to real friends or boyfriends/girlfriends, could end up being embarrassing if the relationship sours and private photos are made public.
On social networking sites, you can tag images with the names of people who are in the photo. This simple act can lead to cyberbullying, as these photos will appear in any search into this person’s name and it could be that misappropriated profile settings do not protect access to them.
Multiplayer online games and virtual worlds can be venues for harassment and cyberbullying when kids are playing or using the chat features to talk to other players. According to a 2008 Pew Internet & American Life Project report, more than half of teens who play games report seeing or hearing “people being mean and overly aggressive while playing”; a quarter of them report that this happens “often.”

Strategies for Fighting Cyberbullying 

Cyberbullying is everyone’s business and the best response is a pro-active or preventative one. From the outset, we can reduce the risks associated with Internet use if we engage in an open discussion with our children about their online activities and set up rules that will grow along with them.

Strategies for homes and schools

In order to fight cyberbullying effectively we need to change the culture in which it happens, starting with helping kids understand that what may seem like “just a joke” can have a powerful effect on someone else. It’s also important to teach them that cyberbullying may be less common than they think it is: kids and teens often overestimate how common bullying actually is, even though most say that their own online experiences are positive. [1] Knowing the facts is important because when young people believe that bullying behaviour is the norm, they are more likely to engage in and tolerate it – and when they understand how uncommon bullying actually is, bullying rates drop.

Strategies at home

·       Both schools and homes should create online agreements or contracts for computer use, with input from students or kids. Make sure your agreement contains clear rules about ethical online behaviour: research has shown that bullying rates drop when kids know that it is against the rules and how to report it.[2]  You can use our tip sheets Family Online Rules and Social Media Rules to come up with appropriate rules for your home.
·       With younger children who visit games sites, rules should deal with online interactions: never provide personal information and don’t share passwords with friends.
·       For teenagers, social activity online is intense. This is the time to discuss the nature of your teen’s online interactions and, more specifically, his or her responsible use of the Internet. Sexting can easily lead to cyberbullying, particularly if the relationship sours.
Whether your child is a tween or a teen, talk to them about responsible Internet use:
·       Teach them to never post or say anything on the Internet that they wouldn’t want the whole world – including you – to read.
·       Talk to them about reaching out to an adult at the first sign of a threat. Don’t take for granted that your child will: only 8 percent of teens who have been bullied online have told their parents. [3]
·       Chill! Kids refuse to confide in their parents because they’re scared that if they find out about the cyberbullying, they will take away their Internet or cell phone. [4]
·       Teach your children that what goes on online is everyone’s business. Let them know that action must be taken when cyberbullying is encountered. Not reporting it is tantamount to approving it.
·       Encourage kids to speak out against bullying when they see it. Popular sites like Facebook and YouTube provide tools to report inappropriate content, and the “comments” features associated with individual pages can provide opportunities for witnesses to speak out. See the section on Strategies for Empowering Witnesses below for more information on how to do help them do this.
We also need to teach kids how to react to an online bully. Give them the tip sheet What to Do if Someone is Mean to You Online and make sure they understand the key points:
·       Don’t fight back. A lot of times bullies are looking to get a rise out of the kids they are targeting, and fighting back just gives them what they want.
·       Save the evidence. Tell your children to make sure they have a record of what happened if somebody is mean to them online. If it’s something that was sent directly to them, make sure they save it. If it’s something that can be deleted (a tweet, a status update, etc.) have them get a screenshot (
·       Talk to somebody. Make sure that your kids know that they can always come to you or another trusted adult if they are in trouble. If there’s no one they can talk to offline, remind them that they can contact Kids Help Phone ( and talk to one of their trained counselors.

·       Remind them that it’s not their fault if they are being cyberbullied. Nothing they do makes it okay for people to be mean to them, and nothing about them justifies people being mean to them.

November 21, 2019

PJ Day Friday.  Wear PJ or bring teddy bear and get Timbits please

Grade 7 Science, Veg oiled cars, watch this

Math illustration

Read the rest of the cyber bullying article.  Bring laptop tomorrow

Wednesday 20 November 2019

November 20, 2019

- revise informal letter to Santa or friends.  Make sure the address and postal code is correct
- undo all highlights and underline
- please make sure you are a better and nicer person in the last few months

- math: tiles, hardwood, Gary and the Japanese Olympics questions.  Show all steps and calculations

- study for science test.  Two weeks from now, around the beginning of December (start from maple syrup, acid/base, alloys)

Tuesday 19 November 2019

7C Book Report Template

A: Design a title page for this book report. 

B: What is the title of your book, who is the author?

C: Use the personality list and describe the two main characters. Give examples and explain why the main characters behave that way. Use at least five personality words to describe each character.

D: Would you like to be the main character’s friend? Explain why or why not.

E: Who are the minor characters?

F: Describe the setting of the story.

G: Write a one-page summary of the novel. Focus on the problems and resolutions at the end of the story.

H: If you have a chance to meet the author, what would you ask him/her?

I: Will you recommend this book to a friend? Explain your reasons.

J: Find five new words in the story. Please include the page numbers where the words can be found. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of those words. Make up your own sentences with the words.

November 19, 2019

Eco Carnival, Bake sale, Tuesday, December 17.
Pajarma Day, Friday November 22.  two Timbits if you brig a slipper/ teddy bear, PJ, pillow, bath robe

- Science test in two weeks, starting from acid/base. Study a bit every night

- three math questions, as shown below

- informal letter to Santa or a friend: see below for more information
  • Write an informal letter to Santa
  • Christmas Spirit of giving and helping others (and the less fortunate)
  • Santa Claus, North Pole, Canada, HOH OHO

Home Address and
Postal Code

November 19, 2019

Dear Santa,
  • What have you done this year to be “Good”?
  • To help others, to work hard, nice to parents/friends, grandparents, to donate
  •  Did your parents to dishes after dinner, take out blue boxes, trash bags
  • - shovel snow, rack leaves
  • Other students need help, do you VOLUNTARILY help them?

  • What about the other Canadians who work oversea and wont come back to spend holidays with family
  • -conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives

Monday 18 November 2019

November 18, 2019

- area of trapezoids, show all steps
- study for science test, 2 weeks from now (everything since last test, starting from acid/base)

- check email: Math test Part E (Sheet formula) should be in your mailbox.  Out of 10

Thursday 14 November 2019

November 14, 2019

- no school tomorrow. PA day for interviews

- please show up with parents if  you want to hear what I am going to talk about

- this weekend: book report, area of irregular polygons, set up tabs for informal letter (use six other conjunctions you did not use last night.  Consider: if, before, unless, until, while, yet).

- underline and bold the conjunctions in your letter
e.g. If you are planning to go to Europe this winter, be prepared for the really cold weather in Germany
Unless you dress warmly, there is a good chance you will get sick while you are in Europe

- bring Geography textbook home.  Read 6 factors that affect climate (page 60 to 65)
1) Winds and Air Masses
2) Latitude
3) Ocean Currents
4) Elevation
5) Relief
6) Bodies of Water

Wednesday 13 November 2019

November 13, 2019

- write an informal letter to a friend (or relative, cousins, grandparents), talking about your school year or plans for the winter holidays
- use at least six conjunctions (since, although, however, while, before, after, yer, until, furthermore, unless) to compose
e.g. Since I have been placed in a grade 7 class with Mr. Nice Guy, I have been busy doing a lot of homework every evening.  Although Mr Nice Guy is scary sometimes, rarely he gets upset in class unless the students misbehave.

While we are working diligently in school, the students are trying very hard to cooperate with each other so that we can get good marks in the learning skills section.  Yet, some refuse to listen and follow the expectations of Mr. Nice Guy. . .

Tuesday 12 November 2019

November 12, 2019

- book parent-teacher appointments, starting at 4pm today
- if I am fully booked, write a note in planner, and I will schedule your parents on Thursday or Friday afternoon (please do not email)
- write 4 goals (2 academic, 1 social and 1 extra curricular).  Each goal must be realistic, practical and measurable
- "I did good" is not a goal.  If you put that down, I won't file it.  How will you improve???
- talk to parents about the reports.  Good, bad, OK?  How can you improve
- attend interviews with parents.  I tell the TRUTH, nothing but the truth

Monday 11 November 2019

November 11, 2019

- I am collecting your science notebook tomorrow.  Please check and make sure everything is NEAT and TIDY
- bring poppy money
- 30 mins on book report
- ask Mom about the gold jewellery that she receives when she gets married

Sunday 10 November 2019

November data test, last question

Part D

Part E
Yesterday, Mr. Kwok went shopping with his family.  They bought the following items:

Use Google Sheets and appropriate formulae to calculate how much they spent on each item, and the total bill.

This formula will calculate the product of multiplication

Then fill down the formula and apply that for all the items

To calculate the HST,

If you are right, 
Total before tax = $646.83

HST = $84.08

Grand Total = $730.91

- figure out how to add the $ sign to the unit price, the total, HST and Grand Total *go to format", top menu

Thursday 7 November 2019

Conjunction 3

Consider the following conjunctions:

4) To make comparisons
- similarly - likewise - by the same token - in a similar vein
By the same token, students who struggle with grade six math will likely to fail high school math classes
i) Similarly, another wars between two countries will kill thousands.
Likewise, most of you are smarter than those geniuses in the other classes.

1) To show addition or continuity
- furthermore - also - in addition - moreover

) In addition to eating healthier meals, Mr. Kwok begins to exercise regularly so he can live for another 200 years
Furthermore, it is important to participate in a variety of extra curricular activities so we can have a balanced life style.
2) To show contrast
- however - nevertheless - on the other hand - in contrast - on the contrary - in spite of

In contrast, green plants make their own food and only need the Sun, water and soil to survive.
d) Even though we think he is wrong, 
nevertheless, the judge rules that he is innocent.
e) He got a job 
in spite of his prison records.
3) To show cause and effect
- as a result - therefore - consequently - subsequently

Consequently, he suffers from a massive heart attack because he refuses to take his medicine.
g) The molten lava has subsequently cools and turns into a big black rock 4) To make comparisons
- similarly - likewise - by the same token - in a similar vein
By the same token, students who struggle with grade six math will likely to fail high school math classes
i) Similarly, another wars between two countries will kill thousands.
Likewise, most of you are smarter than those geniuses in the other classes.

November 8, 2019

- Math test (mean, median, mode, Google Sheet formula) on Monday Nov 11
- need laptop to compute formula and fill down to apply formula to data
- Measurement: area of rectangles and triangles

Conjunction 3
- compose ten sentences with the conjunctions listed in 3.
- also try yet, nevertheless
Mr. Kwok has yet to finish his book report. [translation: he is not done]
Nevertheless, he will have to stay up all night and complete the report. [translation: Although he is tired, he must stay up and finish his book report]

- spend 30 mins doing book report, Phantom Tollbooth
- either continue to read or start working on it
- due Friday December 13, 2019

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Conjunctions 2

Conjunction: Combine these simple sentences together with the conjunction given.  You must retain the meaning of these sentences.

1. You cannot accuse me of stealing.  You do not have any evidence.


2. You have been so good.  Your weekly allowance has been increased by 10%.

Since __________________________________________________________________

3. You cannot have the red shirt.  You may have the green one instead.

Though _________________________________________________________________

4. Nobody is allowed to leave the room.  The police have to question everyone. (until)

5. Kenny will be very disappointed.  He does not listen to my advice.

Unless __________________________________________________________________

6. I have given away the old comic books.  You said you do not need them.

Since __________________________________________________________________

7. I am not confident.  I will still give it a try.

Though _________________________________________________________________

8. I want to read my novel before I go to bed.  Please leave the light on. (so)

9. I will not trust you with the keys.  You must prove you are a responsible person. (before)


10. The thief came in through the window.  The thief came in through the backdoor. (either . . . or)

11. Sue does not know the answer.  Fatima does not know the answer. (neither. . . nor)

12. The service provided by this company is good.  The service provided by this company is cheap (yet)

13. Jogging is a good way of losing weight.  Jogging is an inexpensive way of losing weight. (yet)

14.  Two dollars can buy you three chocolate bars.  Two dollars can buy you two cans of pop. (either. . . or)

15. I do not want to go to the zoo.  My sister does not want to go to the zoo either. (neither . . . nor)

16.  Hassan went to school this morning.  He was sick
Although _______________________________________________________________

17. Jasmine told me her ideas.  We were having a discussion. 

18. All the children in my class like Mason.  He is a very friendly boy. (such. . . that)

19. You should not play your computer game.  You cannot spare the time. 