Tuesday 26 November 2019

November 26, 2019

7A, 7C, 7F Science test on December 4.  Study please. (see yesterday blog for what is included in test)

7C: Homonyms: list 10 to 20
- make up sentences with these homonyms.  Each sentence must have at least 8 words, and an adverb
e.g. Unfortunately, the tow truck ran over my big toe yesterday

Math: Similar and congruent triangles. Draw two triangles for each question and determine if they are congruent or similar shapes. The measurements are given to you

a) AAA (60°- 60°- 60°, use 4cm in first one, and 6cm in second)
b) ASS (Angle, Side, Side) (45°, 6cm, measure the third length)
c) SSS (Side, Side, Side) (3cm, 4cm, 5cm): both triangles must have these length
d) SSA (Side, Side, Angle) (6cm, 7cm, 30°)
e) AAS (Angle, Angle, Side) (45°, 30°, 8cm)
f) ASA (Angle, Side, Angle) (45°, 8cm, 30°)


  1. B only says the length of one side not two

  2. B only says the length of one side not two

  3. oops, i posted the message twice

  4. Yeah you have to figure out what length that one would be.
