Wednesday 6 November 2019

Conjunctions 2

Conjunction: Combine these simple sentences together with the conjunction given.  You must retain the meaning of these sentences.

1. You cannot accuse me of stealing.  You do not have any evidence.


2. You have been so good.  Your weekly allowance has been increased by 10%.

Since __________________________________________________________________

3. You cannot have the red shirt.  You may have the green one instead.

Though _________________________________________________________________

4. Nobody is allowed to leave the room.  The police have to question everyone. (until)

5. Kenny will be very disappointed.  He does not listen to my advice.

Unless __________________________________________________________________

6. I have given away the old comic books.  You said you do not need them.

Since __________________________________________________________________

7. I am not confident.  I will still give it a try.

Though _________________________________________________________________

8. I want to read my novel before I go to bed.  Please leave the light on. (so)

9. I will not trust you with the keys.  You must prove you are a responsible person. (before)


10. The thief came in through the window.  The thief came in through the backdoor. (either . . . or)

11. Sue does not know the answer.  Fatima does not know the answer. (neither. . . nor)

12. The service provided by this company is good.  The service provided by this company is cheap (yet)

13. Jogging is a good way of losing weight.  Jogging is an inexpensive way of losing weight. (yet)

14.  Two dollars can buy you three chocolate bars.  Two dollars can buy you two cans of pop. (either. . . or)

15. I do not want to go to the zoo.  My sister does not want to go to the zoo either. (neither . . . nor)

16.  Hassan went to school this morning.  He was sick
Although _______________________________________________________________

17. Jasmine told me her ideas.  We were having a discussion. 

18. All the children in my class like Mason.  He is a very friendly boy. (such. . . that)

19. You should not play your computer game.  You cannot spare the time. 

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