Thursday 14 November 2019

November 14, 2019

- no school tomorrow. PA day for interviews

- please show up with parents if  you want to hear what I am going to talk about

- this weekend: book report, area of irregular polygons, set up tabs for informal letter (use six other conjunctions you did not use last night.  Consider: if, before, unless, until, while, yet).

- underline and bold the conjunctions in your letter
e.g. If you are planning to go to Europe this winter, be prepared for the really cold weather in Germany
Unless you dress warmly, there is a good chance you will get sick while you are in Europe

- bring Geography textbook home.  Read 6 factors that affect climate (page 60 to 65)
1) Winds and Air Masses
2) Latitude
3) Ocean Currents
4) Elevation
5) Relief
6) Bodies of Water

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