Wednesday 28 February 2018

February 28, 2018

- Marco Polo, age, year travel to the far east
- what he brought back to Europe in addition to herbs/spices
- land and sea routes (find a map), from Europe to China/ back
- what did he do there?
- 15 jot note points

You need more links than this one

Tuesday 27 February 2018

February 27, 2018

- sign math test, do corrections
- if you get less than 5 points in the Excel question, please redo those questions in Excel/Sheet and SEND me the file with the formula
- finish writing the pop essay; bring laptop to school tomorrow.  YOU WILL BE TYPING THE GOOD COPY

This is a draft sample of a Level 4- (A-) essay

            School uniforms are a waste of money. They are expensive, a violation to the right of expression, and uncomfortable. [state your opinion only, 2 sentences]

            School uniforms are expensive. All across the globe, students are being overcharged for their uniforms. Furthermore, consumers are powerless against overpricing, as uniforms are required to be worn to school on a daily basis. In addition to that, purchasing only one set of the cloth will simply not suffice. In many cases, students are required to purchase two types of attires, one for the winter, the other for summertime. In order to have clean cloth every day, at least two sets of each type of attire are needed. To add on to that, school uniforms are rapidly outgrown and therefore needs to be replaced. The used outfit then holds no value and is often thrown out. In addition to unreal base priced, maintain a uniform can also be costly. Some parts of the cloth are required to be dry cleaned. Since dry cleaning is rather costly, the bills rapidly add up to a horrific amount. [strongest argument, about 8 sentences]

            In addition to its cost, school uniforms are also a violation of the right to expression. In Canada, the right to expression allows people to choose what they wear. Therefore, the use of school uniforms is against the right of expression. [weakest argument, 2 to 3 sentences]

            Expensive as it is, school uniforms are also uncomfortable. For instance, in many schools, the uniform for girls includes a skirt. Though that may be fine during summer, it is definitely not in the freezing weather during winter. Boys are faced with the same problem, sweaters and blazers are not quite enough in the polar climate of Canada. Furthermore, even in the hottest month of summer, boys are still required to wear long pants. However, the problems do not end there. By wearing a woolen item in a heated environment, the wool will quickly drain all of the moisture in one’s skin. That leads to itches during class. [second strongest argument, about 6 sentences]

            School uniforms are expensive, a violation to the right of expression, and uncomfortable. Therefore, school uniforms are an utter waste of money. [restate opinion]

Monday 26 February 2018

February 26, 2018

- Wed, Feb 28, (Day 5, period 1) bring laptop to type up PEE essay in class/ library
- spend 30 mins on PEE essay (pop), have draft ready for Wed

Friday 23 February 2018

February 23, 2018

- study for math test; do book report

- find data for the following survey.  These data can be plot in pie graphs because each adds up to 100%

case 1: June 7, 2018 election.  Support for Liberal, PC and NDP
Image result for ontario political party support pie graph

Case 2: Worst roads in Ontario

Case 3, Federal Government election results, 2015

Case 4, monthly expenses

Pick two sets of data, learn how to prepare pie graphs in Excel or Sheet

Thursday 22 February 2018

February 22, 2018

- pie graph, % of students and favourite food
(Pizza 1, Burger 5 , Ramen/Noodle/Pasta 11, Sushi 6 , Others 5 )
- show calculations and how to convert tally into %, and then degree in pie graph (see example from this morning)
- data management test on Monday January 26.  Mean/median, mode, basic Excel formula, graphs, interpretation of graphs and results, bar, double bar, line, scatter plot, pie graph
- when to use these graphs; how to best represent data in different graphs

- review new conjunctions: Needless to say; In the contrary
- use 8 glasses of water as your example or explanation in PEE essay

- during dinner, please share with parents about the good/bad of different types of meat: beef, pork, chicken, fish
- They will not have any appetite to eat after

Wednesday 21 February 2018

February 21, 2018

- spend 30 mins writing on the PEE essay draft.  Tell parents what PEE is
- Should pop be sold in Ontario schools?
- work on book report
- sign geography quiz and scatter plot assignment
- data management test on Monday January 26.  Mean/median, mode, basic Excel formula, graphs, interpretation of graphs and results

Tuesday 20 February 2018

February 20, 2018

- complete data management/ graphing assignment (interpretation of graphs and data)
- data management test on Monday January 26.  Mean/median, mode, basic Excel formula, graphs, interpretation of graphs and results

- Geography text: read the pages on fishing and the impact of overfishing in the world (page 182/183).  Quiz tomorrow

- Should pop be sold in schools? 20 points, be sure to PEE (points, explanation and examples)

Thursday 15 February 2018

February 15, 2018

- The TDSB homework policy does not allow me to assign homework during any long weekends (e.g. Family day, Victoria day, labour day, Easter etc)
- students should work on book report
- also, they should finish the expository essay on 12-month school year (5 paragraphs, use conjunctions to explain, see suggestions from Feb 14 blog)
- email essay to Kwok by Monday evening

- this year CNML will take place right after Family Day long weekend, on Feb 20.  The six students from 7C have been informed to participate during the first period on Tuesday

Grade 8 Science, 8B/8C
- go to McDonalds and order triple thick milkshake.  Time how long it will take to taste it without scooping it up
- send me a selfie to prove you and your peer are doing this VERY IMPORTANT EXPERIMENT on viscosity

Wednesday 14 February 2018

February 14, 2018

- CNML on Tuesday Feb 20.  I will inform the five candidates who will represent 7C by tomorrow

- start writing the essay (draft) with the points brainstormed in class (45 mins)
"Should students have a two month summer holiday?"

- consider the following ideas in your writing
1) schools with no AC will be very hot
2) Insects and bugs are more active around dumpsters and fruit trees
3) Students can have long Xmas break, March break and other holidays.  Number of school days in the year stays the same
4) Some may find going to school in the summer very stressful
5) Less time to visit grandparents, relatives and friends when everyone is off in July/August
6) They don't serve ice cream in the cafe in July
7) Most schools do not have swimming pools for their students

- use conjunctions to explain; give examples to justify your reasons
- use less personal pronouns'
- learn to use the IT statement (e.g. It is important for students to have a restful summer since participating in physical activities such as swimming, biking and camping is an important part of staying fit."

"Imagine when beads of sweat come down your forehead in the middle of a test, and the fan blows away the answer sheets?  This is what students must deal with if everyone has to attend summer school in the middle of a blistering summer  Why should schools be opened when the rest of the world swim, bike and enjoy the refreshing taste of ice cream at Dairy Queen?"

Tuesday 13 February 2018

High levels of cellphone radiation linked to tumors in male rats

Please read

High levels of cellphone radiation linked to tumors in male rats, study shows
Although intriguing, the findings can not be extrapolated to humans, the researchers said.

February 13, 2018

- scatter plot, head size and height.  Make a conclusion after the plot
- for the parents who would like to book an interview with Kwok, all my regular times are fully booked.  I will give you a time for Friday afternoon (1pm to 2;45pm) so we can meet and discuss the student's progress
- for those who have not returned the report card slips, please sign and return that to Kwok ASAP

- for those who want to do better in CNML, redo those questions that are wrong.  You have the answers, and figure out how to get the answers
- this year CNML will take place on Tuesday February 20.  I will have to pick 5 students to represent 7C

Monday 12 February 2018

February 12, 2018

- report card marks and comment.  Go through reports with parents, review the goals to improve for this term
- goals must be realistic, measurable, and achievable [address one goal to study habits or learning skills]
- CNML math contest practice everyday for the next two weeks. BRING CALCULATOR PLEASE
-  parents can book appointment online tonight

- return envelope and parent/ student comment section to Kwok tomorrow.  The report card is your copy

Friday 9 February 2018

February 9, 2018

- single bar graph (favourite food for 7C, 5 to 7 choices)
- double bar graphs (favourite food for male/female in 7C)
- work on book report

Read: Asian long horn beetles

Wednesday 7 February 2018

February 8, 2018

- French trip tomorrow. Don't be late

- a formal letter to convince Ms. Thomas why you should go to the gym during Ph. Ed classes (5 paragraphs, use conjunctions to explain, give examples).  Please follow the format discussed by Kwok
- type the letter up, print it at home or school library
- need parent signature

- two scatter plots: (1) height-shoe size; (2) arm length- head size

- make sure to include title, labels for both x-y axis, legend (x for boy; o for girl)

Tuesday 6 February 2018

February 6, 2018

- uniform essay: third paragraph (weakest argument, 3 to 5 sentences) and the fourth paragraph (6 to 8 sentences)
- use conjunctions, learn to ask questions in your writing, explain your view
- consider some of the points discussed in class this morning
- use as few personal pronouns as possible

Monday 5 February 2018

February 5, 2018

- expository essay, second paragraph.  8 to 10 sentences, strongest arguments, use conjunctions to explain.   Please underline all conjunctions in the paragraph
- French trip on Thursday.  Bring a snack to school, and you will eat that before the trip

Saturday 3 February 2018

Grade 8 Sci article on cell radiation

Please read

High levels of cellphone radiation linked to tumors in male rats, study shows
Although intriguing, the findings can not be extrapolated to humans, the researchers said.

Friday 2 February 2018

February 2, 2018

- for the people who did not find the data from the StatCan website on snowfall, temperature, median income etc, please complete the math sheet from yesterday
- calculate the mean, median, mode of the height for the students in 7C (except the three students we did not measure)

French Trip, Feb 8, 2018
- please bring snack to eat in the morning before we depart school at 9:30am.  You will not have lunch till after 1:15pm
- bring warm clothing.  We will be walking to bus stops, TTC subway stations, climbing the Great Wall and Mount Everest

Thursday 1 February 2018

February 1, 2018

Passive Voice: rewrite the 7 passive voice sentences.  Start each sentence with the focus, a noun!!!
Math: Mean, median and mode: Test scores
- links do not work.  Find the data (snowfall, temperature, precipitation, income) from the web site

- Should school uniforms be worn at Cummer Valley?  Provide 10 points with reasons