Wednesday 14 February 2018

February 14, 2018

- CNML on Tuesday Feb 20.  I will inform the five candidates who will represent 7C by tomorrow

- start writing the essay (draft) with the points brainstormed in class (45 mins)
"Should students have a two month summer holiday?"

- consider the following ideas in your writing
1) schools with no AC will be very hot
2) Insects and bugs are more active around dumpsters and fruit trees
3) Students can have long Xmas break, March break and other holidays.  Number of school days in the year stays the same
4) Some may find going to school in the summer very stressful
5) Less time to visit grandparents, relatives and friends when everyone is off in July/August
6) They don't serve ice cream in the cafe in July
7) Most schools do not have swimming pools for their students

- use conjunctions to explain; give examples to justify your reasons
- use less personal pronouns'
- learn to use the IT statement (e.g. It is important for students to have a restful summer since participating in physical activities such as swimming, biking and camping is an important part of staying fit."

"Imagine when beads of sweat come down your forehead in the middle of a test, and the fan blows away the answer sheets?  This is what students must deal with if everyone has to attend summer school in the middle of a blistering summer  Why should schools be opened when the rest of the world swim, bike and enjoy the refreshing taste of ice cream at Dairy Queen?"

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