Tuesday 27 February 2018

February 27, 2018

- sign math test, do corrections
- if you get less than 5 points in the Excel question, please redo those questions in Excel/Sheet and SEND me the file with the formula
- finish writing the pop essay; bring laptop to school tomorrow.  YOU WILL BE TYPING THE GOOD COPY

This is a draft sample of a Level 4- (A-) essay

            School uniforms are a waste of money. They are expensive, a violation to the right of expression, and uncomfortable. [state your opinion only, 2 sentences]

            School uniforms are expensive. All across the globe, students are being overcharged for their uniforms. Furthermore, consumers are powerless against overpricing, as uniforms are required to be worn to school on a daily basis. In addition to that, purchasing only one set of the cloth will simply not suffice. In many cases, students are required to purchase two types of attires, one for the winter, the other for summertime. In order to have clean cloth every day, at least two sets of each type of attire are needed. To add on to that, school uniforms are rapidly outgrown and therefore needs to be replaced. The used outfit then holds no value and is often thrown out. In addition to unreal base priced, maintain a uniform can also be costly. Some parts of the cloth are required to be dry cleaned. Since dry cleaning is rather costly, the bills rapidly add up to a horrific amount. [strongest argument, about 8 sentences]

            In addition to its cost, school uniforms are also a violation of the right to expression. In Canada, the right to expression allows people to choose what they wear. Therefore, the use of school uniforms is against the right of expression. [weakest argument, 2 to 3 sentences]

            Expensive as it is, school uniforms are also uncomfortable. For instance, in many schools, the uniform for girls includes a skirt. Though that may be fine during summer, it is definitely not in the freezing weather during winter. Boys are faced with the same problem, sweaters and blazers are not quite enough in the polar climate of Canada. Furthermore, even in the hottest month of summer, boys are still required to wear long pants. However, the problems do not end there. By wearing a woolen item in a heated environment, the wool will quickly drain all of the moisture in one’s skin. That leads to itches during class. [second strongest argument, about 6 sentences]

            School uniforms are expensive, a violation to the right of expression, and uncomfortable. Therefore, school uniforms are an utter waste of money. [restate opinion]

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