Friday 30 December 2016

Johnny Miles Answer

Good Choice for Interview
- first marathon attempt
- competed against champion and won
- can do anything with determination and a plan/ inspiration
- broke record for marathon

Quotes from author
- how he felt about the run
- surpass hero, Albin Stenos during the race
- perseverance to win
- childhood practice with father (rein, horse, wagon)

- Will give the sheet back to you on Friday 13th.

Happy New Year to all!  Kwok

Friday 23 December 2016

Happy Holidays!

Have a good break.  Don't spend too much time playing video games or doing Facebook.

Reading is not homework.  Read 30 mins per day, esp books about MONEY

Kwok's recommendation

Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business by Peter Lynch

Please tell parents that Kwok appreciates all the gifts and gift cards.  Will be thinking about you when I am in Asia.

All the Best!

Thursday 22 December 2016

Dec 22, 2016

- please bring your share of the party food, materials for the multicultural celebration
- HoHoHo Complete the Probability test online if you are not done

- Spirit Day: Red or Green outfit, or any of the Holiday Winter gear!  WE WILL WIN!

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Dec 21, 2016

- bring pizza money ($1/slice) for Friday

Watch this about angioplasty

Science Test tomorrow.  STUDY, it is hard

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Dec 20, 2016

- complete mother tongue Santa letter.  Write good copy and include your English name at the bottom.  Bring letter to school tomorrow
- book report due tomorrow
- Sci test on Thursday.  STUDY

Monday 19 December 2016

Dec 19, 2016

Science test on Thursday Dec 22.  STUDY
[pH, microscope, blood, separate liquids from mixture, alloy, diabetes. gold, oil spills, Xenical, saturation, super saturation, Dead Sea] Nothing from textbook

Book report due on Wed.  Finish it
Locker cleanup tomorrow morning.  Bring plastic bags, large bags to clean up

Friday 16 December 2016

Dec 16, 2016

DTP document: Food review, two dishes, two columns and two photos (actual photos from your meal).  Do this in Word

- Science test on Thursday.  STUDY

Thursday 15 December 2016

Dec 15, 2016

- type up complain letter; email to Kwok
- book report due next week
- science test next week: STUDY

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Dec 14, 2016

- bring mug for hot chocolate tomorrow.  Its cold and taste really good after lunch.  No mug, no hot chocolate

Food Critics
1) Think of a title for your dinner (home made, take out, restaurant)
2) Take at least two photos for your meal (appetizer, entree, dessert)
3) Use at least eight adjectives to describe the food items.  Remember, you are in grade 7.  Please write like grade 7
e.g. instead of white rice, try freshly prepared jasmine Thai rice
instead of a bowl of hot soup, try steamy French onion soup crusted with cheese and croutons
instead of stir fried beef with broccoli, try succulent tenderloin chunks with fresh, crunchy brocolli

probability rolling dice.  120 attempts, calculate experimental probability

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Dec 13, 2016

 IT WILL BE VERY COLD FROM WED TO FRI THIS WEEK. WEAR EVERYTHING (winter jacket, hat, mittens, scarf, boots, long john, short john etc)

Sci - please complete saturation experiment at home (250mL water, add one teaspoon of salt at a time to determine how many teaspoons are needed to get a saturated solution)
- test on Dec 22.  STUDY

- sign Math test.  Do corrections on the questions that are wrong
- coin flip activity (6 coins, 120 attempts, tally and calculate probability)

Monday 12 December 2016

Dec 12, 2016

- study for science test; next Thursday Dec 22. It's  not easy (20 multiple choice, one short answer question, all in class materials).  See previous blog for the topics you should know

- Math: Probability assignment, spinners
- Complain letter: draft

Friday 9 December 2016

Dec 9, 2016

- If you have not brought can food to class, please bring a few next week
- LA Reading comprehension: Johnny Miles
- talk to parents about an unpleasant experience that they want to complain (restaurant, supermarket, department store, rude salesman, dirty toilet etc).  Write down the details.  You ill write a complain letter next week with the information
- Math: bring ten pennies or nickels to school [put in a plastic ziplock], probability experiments

7A/7B/7C Science
- science test on Dec 22.  STUDY
- Kwok's materials only.  In class discussions only
[pH, microscope, blood, separate liquids from mixture, alloy, diabetes. gold, oil spills, Xenical, saturation, super saturation, Dead Sea] Nothing from textbook

Thursday 8 December 2016

Dec 8, 2016

7A: Read this [Exxon Valdez accident]

7C: Apology letter to Mrs. Mayers, Principal

- formal letter; two addresses
- three paragraph
- first paragraph: "I am sorry", "I regret what has happened and the disruption this. . .", "The class apologizes for"
- second paragraph: What should we do in the future when the teacher is late. DON'T BLAME OTHER PEOPLE FOR THE NOISE AND SILLINESS
- third paragraph: I hope you accept this letter, and we promise you. . . Have a great winter holiday

Sign by you and YOUR PARENTS

Print out a copy.  I will give that to Mrs. Mayers tomorrow

7A/7B/7C Science
- test on December 22.  Kwok material only.  [pH, microscope, blood, separate liquids from mixture, alloy, diabetes. gold, oil spills, Xenical, saturation, super saturation, Dead Sea] Nothing from textbook

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Dec 7, 2016

7A/7B/7C Science
- Merry Christmas: Science test on Thursday Dec 22 (Day 1)
- everything from microscope till the day before test
- Kwok material only.  [pH, microscope, blood, separate liquids from mixture, alloy, diabetes. gold, oil spills, Xenical, saturation, super saturation, Dead Sea] Nothing from textbook

- Math test tomorrow [measurement, area and perimeter].  STUDY
- finish typing up the whole Santa letter.  Set tabs for address, print out and hand in hard copy

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Dec 6, 2016

- Math test Thursday Dec 8 (measurement, perimeter, area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids), paper routes, area/perimeter and cost (e.g. fence around a prison), Gideon mowing the lawn
- Book Fair preview on Friday afternoon [prepare wish list]
- letter to Santa, draft.  Second paragraph; why should we help other people [by donating can food? helping parents? contributing to the school spirit?
Book report due in three weeks
- continue to bring cans

Monday 5 December 2016

Dec 5, 2016

 7C Book report
- read over what is written in Phantom Tollbooth and make changes.  Review the key mistakes from last book report that are discussed today
- sign perimeter and cost work sheet

7A/7B/7C Science

Read these articles
[look at the map, photo of the spill]

Kinder Morgan pipelines (from Norther AB to BC; approved by Trudeau last week]

Thursday 1 December 2016

Dec 1, 2016

- bring in 2 cans of food (not package, must be can food: soup, tuna, pasta tomato juice etc)
- or bring in used mittens
- rewrite formal letter with LESS personal pronouns.  Use some of the suggestions discussed in class to improve letter
- type up, with tabs, and email formal letter to me (Application to the Kwok School for the Elite Geniuses)
- Rearrange sentences
- Math: area of irregular polygons; Gideon paper routes