Friday 9 December 2016

Dec 9, 2016

- If you have not brought can food to class, please bring a few next week
- LA Reading comprehension: Johnny Miles
- talk to parents about an unpleasant experience that they want to complain (restaurant, supermarket, department store, rude salesman, dirty toilet etc).  Write down the details.  You ill write a complain letter next week with the information
- Math: bring ten pennies or nickels to school [put in a plastic ziplock], probability experiments

7A/7B/7C Science
- science test on Dec 22.  STUDY
- Kwok's materials only.  In class discussions only
[pH, microscope, blood, separate liquids from mixture, alloy, diabetes. gold, oil spills, Xenical, saturation, super saturation, Dead Sea] Nothing from textbook

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