Thursday 8 December 2016

Dec 8, 2016

7A: Read this [Exxon Valdez accident]

7C: Apology letter to Mrs. Mayers, Principal

- formal letter; two addresses
- three paragraph
- first paragraph: "I am sorry", "I regret what has happened and the disruption this. . .", "The class apologizes for"
- second paragraph: What should we do in the future when the teacher is late. DON'T BLAME OTHER PEOPLE FOR THE NOISE AND SILLINESS
- third paragraph: I hope you accept this letter, and we promise you. . . Have a great winter holiday

Sign by you and YOUR PARENTS

Print out a copy.  I will give that to Mrs. Mayers tomorrow

7A/7B/7C Science
- test on December 22.  Kwok material only.  [pH, microscope, blood, separate liquids from mixture, alloy, diabetes. gold, oil spills, Xenical, saturation, super saturation, Dead Sea] Nothing from textbook

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