Wednesday 29 March 2023

March 29, 2023

 Algebra, sheet 2, both side. MUST SHOW STEPS FOR EACH CALCULATION

Brainstorm and gather ideas about going to one of the wonders of the world (either natural or artificial).


- locations, what to do, how to get there, why you want to visit that wonder, sightseeing, hotel, food, restuarants. Complete at least four and put information in the chart

e.g. To fly to the Hamilton Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia:

 1) Flight from Toronto to Vancouver (5 hours)  

2) Vancouver to Sydney Australia (15.5 hours)

3) Sydney to Cairn, Australia (5.5 hours)

4) Captain Cook Cruise (Boat, 12 hours) from Cairn to Hamilton Island

- you should be exhausted by the time you arrive in Hamilton Island!!!

PEE, 3 paragraphs and upload to me. You will have a week to complete this task.  I will give you time to work in class

To be uploaded by Wednesday April 5.

An example from one of my students during Covid

Humanity has been a remarkable occurrence for the Earth, inhabiting the lands for many centuries. Many historic monuments have been created with definition and background, some tell marvelous stories about the things that happened there. If I were to have an expedition to any of the 10 man-made wonders of the Earth, my choice thoughtfully land on the Colosseum. Around 2000 years ago in the year of 70AD the emperor of Rome decided to build something for entertainment as a gift to his people, something unique and never seen before. As times and society were different back then, the city decided to build a massive colosseum to host preposterous battles against human and human. The construction of the enormous Colosseum longing 8 years brought upon a change in the history of Europe in whole, for centuries many furious battles occurred in that one spot. Blood, sweat, rage and tears were shed amongst the bowl as the citizens desired to watch. Usually the people fighting were challengers and Gladiators, people who are criminals or war prisoners. Formerly, thousands of fatal fights happened there making the Colosseum a popular hotspot for entertainment. As the years passed and times have differed, the massive building has gone out of use mainly due to laws and change. Now rests the towering structure of the remnants of what used to be the Colosseum, tourists and explorers strive to once see the ancient stage along with the elegant city of Rome. The capital of Italy offers many antique sights homing many stories and activities, with the azure sky accented with clouds displaying the beauty of Rome. Taking a tour to the city can be a remedy for homesickness to all people, countless activities can be done in the vast city of Rome. Thus reasoning, why I decide the Colosseum in all the extraordinary human-made wonders.

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