Tuesday 28 March 2023

March 28, 2023

 Math, algebra sheet#1, squares and circles, both side

Start writing second vacation paragraph. Make sure you PEE

- IT statement, start with conjunctions and adverbs, explain and give examples

e.g. It was a sensational experience visiting the Gaza Pyramid in Egypt. The heat and dry weather beautifully preserved most of the antique artifacts for thousands of years, and sometimes I wonder why the locals wanted their ancestors to view their private parts inside such a gigantic tomb? Even if the Kings and Queens lived in their afterlife, many vandals, thieves and Indiana Jones would have stolen the treasures for the sake of their greed. However, after being inside such a majestic place, I am rethinking what I would do in my afterlife?

Despite the dim, dark and damp environment, the city of Cairo was a very interesting historical site to visit. The luxurious hotels are fabulous and the world renounced 1000 count cotton linen is out of this world when it was wrapped around my sun-soaked body after a quick swim. It was like silk bundled cocoon around my sausage-like body in front of the private guest. Sadly, that was quite embarrassing for a Chinese to be pampered by the hotel staff. In addition, how could the rack of lamb with rosemary be forgotten? 

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