Thursday 2 February 2023

February 2, 2023

 11 Combo graphs die Monday Feb 6. 

For each graph, please include a title, two vertical axis, label the vertical axis. Change the colour if you wish.

At the bottom, write a statement which city you would like to visit in July, and provide a reason.

e.g. KWOK would like to visit Alert, NU because he wants to see the polar bears hunting a caribou after hibernation


Isomatic projection - 2, 3, F, L, S, W, F1, F2, F3, FL

- for each shape, daw two diagrams. One standing up and one sitting down

Chapter 13


- why is it necessary for the girls to hide and sleep during the day?


- in this chapter, Julilly does not want to sleep. She insists Liza should take a rest first.

Why is it necessary for Julilly to stay up all night?



- (p.88) “They plodded slowly in the opposite direction and this time, they came to a flat plateau with waving grass.”

What is waving grass? Check this out


- what makes that grass move? 


- What is the name of the mountain?


- what do the girls see something in the valley below? What do they decide to do next?


- the girls decide to go down to the valley and buy food. Is it dangerous? How come they have money?


- refer to the first white farm woman: how did she treat Julilly? During this attempt to get food, are they successful finding/buying food from the first woman?


- what language does the second woman speak?


- name four things the girls do inside the cabin of the second woman



- the German speaking folks who help Julilly are not Abolitionists, they are ______________


- Kwok’s note: these people help many runaway slaves, and they are white. No all-white people are bad. Many are very friendly and helpful to the slaves


- find the meaning of the following words, and write your own sentences with these vocabulary

• endurance


• dispersed


• accusations


• fascination


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