Wednesday 1 February 2023

7B, 7C February 1, 2023

Bring a mug to school for hot tea or hot chocolate tomorrow and Friday. Dress warmly

 How to plot combo graph instruction

Have your say in which art goes up in your school!

Vote for your grade's best January artwork  here:

Voting ends on Thursday.

Chapter 12

- why is it necessary for the wagon driver to move the slaves from the wagon to the barn?


- Liza shrinks up like a __________________. Julilly is as strong as a __________________.


- there is a round glass object on the flat windowsill, with a black needle quiver inside it. What is that object? __________________.


- what is ‘suffocating’?


- what examples did the author use to describe suffocating? What did the slaves need?


- why is it necessary to take a long way to go north instead of taking the most direct path to go straight north?


- what are the reasons why Adam wants to go into the thick woods?


- the slave hunters catch some slaves in this chapter. Who are they?  


- Who get away? __________________.


- list the three items that they need to go to Canada __________________.


- who is Levi Coffin? What is his job and title?


- use your own words and explain the following:

• abruptly


•  nervously


• Abolitionists


• Liza’s tightened back


• Liza’s tightened fists

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