Wednesday 18 January 2023

Work song

 Work Song (from Les Miserables)


- Listen  carefully, and fill in the blanks


Look down, look down. Don’t look them in the ________

Look down, look down. You are here until you ________


The sun is strong, it is _____ as hell below. 

Look down, look down. There is _____________ to go

I have done no wrong. Sweet Jesus hears my __________

Look down, look down. Sweet Jesus don’t care.

I know, she will wait. I know that she will be ________

Look down, look down. They have all _________ you

When I get ______, you won’t see me. Here for dust.

Look down, look down. Don’t look them in the ________


How long, oh Lord before you let me ______?

Look down, look down. You will always be a ___________

Look down, look down, you are standing in your _________


Javert: Now prisoner ________. You time is up, and your parole has _________

You know what that means?


Valjean: Yes, that means I am _______


Javert: No! That means you get your _______ ticket of leave. You are a ________


Valjean: I stole a loaf of _______


Javert: You robbed a _______


Valjean: I broke a window _______. My sister’s child is close to ________ and we were _______


Javert: I know the meaning for those _____ years. A ______ of the law


Javert: Five years for what you did. They rest because you tried to ______ Yes! 24601


Valjean: My name is Jean Valjean.


Javert: And I am Javert. Don’t forget my ________. Don’t forget me. 24601


After this, watch the same song presented in the Oscar winning movie

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