Wednesday 18 January 2023

January 18, 2023

 PhE sign up form. Lunch time activities

Chapter 3


(2nd paragraph) “she expected to see the tall, strong woman with black, head-rag come to take her from the wagon.”

- who was dreaming? ___________________

- who was the tall, strong woman? ___________________

- why did she dream about that? Explain your thinking (list 3 points, not in the book, use your own ideas)




(4th paragraph) “she saw the white man who drove their wagon wipe his forehead with a large blue cloth.”

- what was the white man doing? ___________________    - why did he do that? __________


- what are the two most popular crops in the Deep South? ___________________


- the children are not hungry, and they are not sick. There is something they really want and need in this chapter. What is that? ___________________


- (9th paragraph) “They have never seen sheets of falling water.” What exactly is a sheet of falling water? ___________________


- - why did the other children on the wagon ask Julilly to get water? ___________________


- the young black boy in this chapter chops logs in this chapter. What is his name? ___________



- Identify five adjectives from this chapter



- Identify five adverbs from this chapter



- Identify five verbs from this chapter

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