Tuesday 7 June 2022

Sangster Math June 7

 31) Elon has 4 times more Bitcoin than Bill. Bill has 3 times more Bitcoin than Jeff. If Jeff has 666 Bitcoins, calculate how many Bitcoins does Elon process?

Buying a used car

You want to buy a used car for $3500 and decide to borrow money from the Bank of Kwok.


With the part time job, you have saved up $643 of cash as a down payment.  


Bank of Kwok uses this algebraic formula to determine your monthly payment.



1.13T = 48N + D


where T is the price of the car

1.13 is the 13% HST (thus 1.13T is the total cost you must pay)

N is the number of months for your payment

D is the down payment


What is the 48? _______________________________________________


How many months will it take to pay off your car?  Show your work.


You want to buy a used car for $3500 and decide to borrow money from the Bank of Kwok.


With the part time job, you have saved up $643 of cash as a down payment.  (put money up front before taking the car home)


Bank of Kwok uses this algebraic formula to determine your monthly payment.



1.13T = 48N + D

1.13 x T = 48 x N + D (down payment)


Plug in the information you know


1.13 x 3500 = 48 x N + 643

3955 = 48 x N + 643

Try to move all numbers to one side of the equal sign and leave the variables on the other side

3955 – 643 = 48 x N

3312 = 48 x N


48 = how much you have to pay every month (monthly payment)

N = number of months required to pay off the car


3312 = 48 x N

3312/48 = N

69 = N (it takes 69 months to pay off the car)








Different scenario:


a) What if you increase your down payment to $1075.  How many months will it take to pay off the car?






b) What if you increase your monthly payment to $144,  keeping the same down payment.  How many months will it take to pay off the car?




c) What if you lower your monthly payment to $36.  How many months will it take to pay off the car?


- is this a good idea to take so long to pay off a used car?  Why?

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